error: suite "openshift/conformance/parallel" does not contain any testserror: suite "openshift/conformance/parallel" does not contain any tests"[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: block] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" started: (0/1/1) "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: block] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" I0615 17:30:49.093504 668711 test_context.go:423] Tolerating taints "" when considering if nodes are ready Jun 15 17:30:49.123: INFO: Waiting up to 30m0s for all (but 100) nodes to be schedulable Jun 15 17:30:50.982: INFO: Waiting up to 10m0s for all pods (need at least 0) in namespace 'kube-system' to be running and ready Jun 15 17:30:51.629: INFO: 0 / 0 pods in namespace 'kube-system' are running and ready (0 seconds elapsed) Jun 15 17:30:51.629: INFO: expected 0 pod replicas in namespace 'kube-system', 0 are Running and Ready. Jun 15 17:30:51.629: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for all daemonsets in namespace 'kube-system' to start Jun 15 17:30:51.835: INFO: e2e test version: v1.18.3 Jun 15 17:30:52.003: INFO: kube-apiserver version: v1.18.3+a637491 Jun 15 17:30:52.234: INFO: Cluster IP family: ipv4 [BeforeEach] [Top Level] /home/fidencio/src/upstream/origin/_output/local/go/src/ [BeforeEach] [Top Level] /home/fidencio/src/upstream/origin/_output/local/go/src/ [BeforeEach] [Top Level] /home/fidencio/src/upstream/origin/_output/local/go/src/ [BeforeEach] [sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local /home/fidencio/src/upstream/origin/_output/local/go/src/ STEP: Creating a kubernetes client STEP: Building a namespace api object, basename persistent-local-volumes-test Jun 15 17:30:52.820: INFO: About to run a Kube e2e test, ensuring namespace is privileged Jun 15 17:30:55.404: INFO: No PodSecurityPolicies found; assuming PodSecurityPolicy is disabled. STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace [BeforeEach] [sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local /home/fidencio/src/upstream/origin/_output/local/go/src/ [BeforeEach] [Volume type: block] /home/fidencio/src/upstream/origin/_output/local/go/src/ STEP: Initializing test volumes STEP: Creating block device on node "master-0-0" using path "/tmp/local-volume-test-a76ad518-b7d5-488a-8284-72bda7b1b509" Jun 15 17:30:58.810: INFO: ExecWithOptions {Command:[nsenter --mount=/rootfs/proc/1/ns/mnt -- sh -c mkdir -p /tmp/local-volume-test-a76ad518-b7d5-488a-8284-72bda7b1b509 && dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/local-volume-test-a76ad518-b7d5-488a-8284-72bda7b1b509/file bs=4096 count=5120 && losetup -f /tmp/local-volume-test-a76ad518-b7d5-488a-8284-72bda7b1b509/file] Namespace:e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 PodName:hostexec-master-0-0-gcjhn ContainerName:agnhost Stdin: CaptureStdout:true CaptureStderr:true PreserveWhitespace:true} Jun 15 17:31:00.074: INFO: ExecWithOptions {Command:[nsenter --mount=/rootfs/proc/1/ns/mnt -- sh -c E2E_LOOP_DEV=$(losetup | grep /tmp/local-volume-test-a76ad518-b7d5-488a-8284-72bda7b1b509/file | awk '{ print $1 }') 2>&1 > /dev/null && echo ${E2E_LOOP_DEV}] Namespace:e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 PodName:hostexec-master-0-0-gcjhn ContainerName:agnhost Stdin: CaptureStdout:true CaptureStderr:true PreserveWhitespace:true} STEP: Creating local PVCs and PVs Jun 15 17:31:01.262: INFO: Creating a PV followed by a PVC Jun 15 17:31:01.650: INFO: Waiting for PV local-pvx288v to bind to PVC pvc-bm2f2 Jun 15 17:31:01.650: INFO: Waiting up to 3m0s for PersistentVolumeClaims [pvc-bm2f2] to have phase Bound Jun 15 17:31:01.855: INFO: PersistentVolumeClaim pvc-bm2f2 found and phase=Bound (205.096094ms) Jun 15 17:31:01.855: INFO: Waiting up to 3m0s for PersistentVolume local-pvx288v to have phase Bound Jun 15 17:31:02.025: INFO: PersistentVolume local-pvx288v found and phase=Bound (169.151513ms) [It] should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s] /home/fidencio/src/upstream/origin/_output/local/go/src/ STEP: Creating pod1 STEP: Creating a pod [AfterEach] [Volume type: block] /home/fidencio/src/upstream/origin/_output/local/go/src/ STEP: Cleaning up PVC and PV Jun 15 17:33:03.202: INFO: Deleting PersistentVolumeClaim "pvc-bm2f2" Jun 15 17:33:03.375: INFO: Deleting PersistentVolume "local-pvx288v" Jun 15 17:33:03.610: INFO: ExecWithOptions {Command:[nsenter --mount=/rootfs/proc/1/ns/mnt -- sh -c E2E_LOOP_DEV=$(losetup | grep /tmp/local-volume-test-a76ad518-b7d5-488a-8284-72bda7b1b509/file | awk '{ print $1 }') 2>&1 > /dev/null && echo ${E2E_LOOP_DEV}] Namespace:e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 PodName:hostexec-master-0-0-gcjhn ContainerName:agnhost Stdin: CaptureStdout:true CaptureStderr:true PreserveWhitespace:true} STEP: Tear down block device "/dev/loop2" on node "master-0-0" at path /tmp/local-volume-test-a76ad518-b7d5-488a-8284-72bda7b1b509/file Jun 15 17:33:04.723: INFO: ExecWithOptions {Command:[nsenter --mount=/rootfs/proc/1/ns/mnt -- sh -c losetup -d /dev/loop2] Namespace:e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 PodName:hostexec-master-0-0-gcjhn ContainerName:agnhost Stdin: CaptureStdout:true CaptureStderr:true PreserveWhitespace:true} STEP: Removing the test directory /tmp/local-volume-test-a76ad518-b7d5-488a-8284-72bda7b1b509 Jun 15 17:33:05.922: INFO: ExecWithOptions {Command:[nsenter --mount=/rootfs/proc/1/ns/mnt -- sh -c rm -r /tmp/local-volume-test-a76ad518-b7d5-488a-8284-72bda7b1b509] Namespace:e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 PodName:hostexec-master-0-0-gcjhn ContainerName:agnhost Stdin: CaptureStdout:true CaptureStderr:true PreserveWhitespace:true} [AfterEach] [sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local /home/fidencio/src/upstream/origin/_output/local/go/src/ STEP: Collecting events from namespace "e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845". STEP: Found 10 events. Jun 15 17:33:07.409: INFO: At 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC - event for hostexec-master-0-0-gcjhn: {default-scheduler } Scheduled: Successfully assigned e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845/hostexec-master-0-0-gcjhn to master-0-0 Jun 15 17:33:07.409: INFO: At 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC - event for security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361: {default-scheduler } Scheduled: Successfully assigned e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845/security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 to master-0-0 Jun 15 17:33:07.409: INFO: At 2020-06-15 17:30:57 +0200 CEST - event for hostexec-master-0-0-gcjhn: {kubelet master-0-0} Pulled: Container image "" already present on machine Jun 15 17:33:07.409: INFO: At 2020-06-15 17:30:57 +0200 CEST - event for hostexec-master-0-0-gcjhn: {kubelet master-0-0} Created: Created container agnhost Jun 15 17:33:07.409: INFO: At 2020-06-15 17:30:57 +0200 CEST - event for hostexec-master-0-0-gcjhn: {kubelet master-0-0} Started: Started container agnhost Jun 15 17:33:07.409: INFO: At 2020-06-15 17:31:02 +0200 CEST - event for security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361: {kubelet master-0-0} SuccessfulMountVolume: MapVolume.MapPodDevice succeeded for volume "local-pvx288v" globalMapPath "/var/lib/kubelet/plugins/" Jun 15 17:33:07.409: INFO: At 2020-06-15 17:31:02 +0200 CEST - event for security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361: {kubelet master-0-0} SuccessfulMountVolume: MapVolume.MapPodDevice succeeded for volume "local-pvx288v" volumeMapPath "/var/lib/kubelet/pods/3774b9cf-3d55-43e6-ace4-67c278f817b3/volumeDevices/" Jun 15 17:33:07.409: INFO: At 2020-06-15 17:31:04 +0200 CEST - event for security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361: {multus } AddedInterface: Add eth0 [] Jun 15 17:33:07.409: INFO: At 2020-06-15 17:31:12 +0200 CEST - event for security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361: {kubelet master-0-0} Pulled: Container image "" already present on machine Jun 15 17:33:07.409: INFO: At 2020-06-15 17:31:15 +0200 CEST - event for security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361: {kubelet master-0-0} Failed: Error: CreateContainer failed: Timeout reached after 3s waiting for device 0:0:0:0/block: unknown Jun 15 17:33:07.605: INFO: POD NODE PHASE GRACE CONDITIONS Jun 15 17:33:07.605: INFO: hostexec-master-0-0-gcjhn master-0-0 Running [{Initialized True 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 2020-06-15 17:30:56 +0200 CEST } {Ready True 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 2020-06-15 17:30:57 +0200 CEST } {ContainersReady True 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 2020-06-15 17:30:57 +0200 CEST } {PodScheduled True 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 2020-06-15 17:30:56 +0200 CEST }] Jun 15 17:33:07.605: INFO: security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 master-0-0 Pending [{Initialized True 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 2020-06-15 17:31:02 +0200 CEST } {Ready False 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 2020-06-15 17:31:02 +0200 CEST ContainersNotReady containers with unready status: [write-pod]} {ContainersReady False 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 2020-06-15 17:31:02 +0200 CEST ContainersNotReady containers with unready status: [write-pod]} {PodScheduled True 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 2020-06-15 17:31:02 +0200 CEST }] Jun 15 17:33:07.605: INFO: Jun 15 17:33:07.782: INFO: hostexec-master-0-0-gcjhn[e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845].container[agnhost].log Paused Jun 15 17:33:07.953: INFO: unable to fetch logs for pods: security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361[e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845].container[write-pod].error=the server rejected our request for an unknown reason (get pods security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361) Jun 15 17:33:08.641: INFO: skipping dumping cluster info - cluster too large Jun 15 17:33:08.641: INFO: Waiting up to 7m0s for all (but 100) nodes to be ready STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845" for this suite. Jun 15 17:33:09.212: INFO: Running AfterSuite actions on all nodes Jun 15 17:33:09.212: INFO: Running AfterSuite actions on node 1 fail []: Unexpected error: <*errors.errorString | 0xc000ebf4f0>: { s: "pod \"security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361\" is not Running: timed out waiting for the condition", } pod "security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361" is not Running: timed out waiting for the condition occurred failed: (2m20s) 2020-06-15T15:33:09 "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: block] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" Timeline: Jun 15 17:30:48.967 - 140s I test="[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: block] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" running Jun 15 15:30:56.431 I ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/hostexec-master-0-0-gcjhn node/master-0-0 reason/Scheduled Jun 15 15:30:56.443 I ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/hostexec-master-0-0-gcjhn node/ reason/Created Jun 15 15:30:57.144 I ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/hostexec-master-0-0-gcjhn node/master-0-0 container/agnhost reason/Pulled image/ Jun 15 15:30:57.351 I ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/hostexec-master-0-0-gcjhn node/master-0-0 container/agnhost reason/Created Jun 15 15:30:57.351 I ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/hostexec-master-0-0-gcjhn node/master-0-0 container/agnhost reason/Started Jun 15 15:30:57.865 I ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/hostexec-master-0-0-gcjhn node/master-0-0 container/agnhost reason/Ready Jun 15 15:30:59.403 I ns/openshift-config-operator deployment/openshift-config-operator reason/KubeCloudConfigController openshift-config-managed/kube-cloud-config ConfigMap was deleted as no longer required (3884 times) Jun 15 15:31:02.578 I ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 node/ reason/Created Jun 15 15:31:02.585 I ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 node/master-0-0 reason/Scheduled Jun 15 15:31:02.821 I ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 node/master-0-0 reason/SuccessfulMountVolume MapVolume.MapPodDevice succeeded for volume "local-pvx288v" globalMapPath "/var/lib/kubelet/plugins/" Jun 15 15:31:02.824 I ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 node/master-0-0 reason/SuccessfulMountVolume MapVolume.MapPodDevice succeeded for volume "local-pvx288v" volumeMapPath "/var/lib/kubelet/pods/3774b9cf-3d55-43e6-ace4-67c278f817b3/volumeDevices/" Jun 15 15:31:03.967 - 119s W ns/default pod/recycler-for-nfs-pv10 node/worker-0-0 pod has been pending longer than a minute Jun 15 15:31:04.490 I ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 reason/AddedInterface Add eth0 [] Jun 15 15:31:04.522 I ns/openshift-config-operator deployment/openshift-config-operator reason/KubeCloudConfigController openshift-config-managed/kube-cloud-config ConfigMap was deleted as no longer required (3885 times) Jun 15 15:31:04.649 I ns/openshift-config-operator deployment/openshift-config-operator reason/KubeCloudConfigController openshift-config-managed/kube-cloud-config ConfigMap was deleted as no longer required (3886 times) Jun 15 15:31:04.710 I ns/openshift-config-operator deployment/openshift-config-operator reason/KubeCloudConfigController openshift-config-managed/kube-cloud-config ConfigMap was deleted as no longer required (3887 times) Jun 15 15:31:04.712 I ns/openshift-config-operator deployment/openshift-config-operator reason/KubeCloudConfigController openshift-config-managed/kube-cloud-config ConfigMap was deleted as no longer required (3888 times) Jun 15 15:31:12.630 I ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 node/master-0-0 container/write-pod reason/Pulled image/ Jun 15 15:31:15.711 W ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 node/master-0-0 reason/Failed Error: CreateContainer failed: Timeout reached after 3s waiting for device 0:0:0:0/block: unknown Jun 15 15:31:15.869 I ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 node/master-0-0 container/write-pod reason/Pulled image/ Jun 15 15:31:19.069 W ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 node/master-0-0 reason/Failed Error: CreateContainer failed: Timeout reached after 3s waiting for device 0:0:0:0/block: unknown (2 times) Jun 15 15:31:25.648 W ns/openshift-apiserver-operator deployment/openshift-apiserver-operator reason/OpenShiftAPICheckFailed "" failed with HTTP status code 503 (the server is currently unable to handle the request) (21 times) Jun 15 15:31:27.663 I ns/openshift-apiserver-operator deployment/openshift-apiserver-operator reason/OperatorStatusChanged Status for clusteroperator/openshift-apiserver changed: Available changed from True to False ("APIServicesAvailable: \"\" is not ready: 503 (the server is currently unable to handle the request)") (10 times) Jun 15 15:31:27.664 W clusteroperator/openshift-apiserver changed Available to False: APIServices_Error: APIServicesAvailable: "" is not ready: 503 (the server is currently unable to handle the request) Jun 15 15:31:27.865 I ns/openshift-apiserver-operator deployment/openshift-apiserver-operator reason/OperatorStatusChanged Status for clusteroperator/openshift-apiserver changed: Available changed from False to True ("") (57 times) Jun 15 15:31:27.866 W clusteroperator/openshift-apiserver changed Available to True Jun 15 15:31:31.983 I ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 node/master-0-0 container/write-pod reason/Pulled image/ Jun 15 15:31:35.241 W ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 node/master-0-0 reason/Failed Error: CreateContainer failed: Timeout reached after 3s waiting for device 0:0:0:0/block: unknown (3 times) Jun 15 15:31:49.005 I ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 node/master-0-0 container/write-pod reason/Pulled image/ Jun 15 15:31:52.241 W ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 node/master-0-0 reason/Failed Error: CreateContainer failed: Timeout reached after 3s waiting for device 0:0:0:0/block: unknown (4 times) Jun 15 15:31:59.407 I ns/openshift-config-operator deployment/openshift-config-operator reason/KubeCloudConfigController openshift-config-managed/kube-cloud-config ConfigMap was deleted as no longer required (3889 times) Jun 15 15:32:03.967 - 60s W ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 node/master-0-0 pod has been pending longer than a minute Jun 15 15:32:06.984 I ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 node/master-0-0 container/write-pod reason/Pulled image/ Jun 15 15:32:09.341 W ns/openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager pod/packageserver-84cd46d9b4-2slc2 node/master-0-1 reason/Unhealthy Liveness probe failed: Get net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) (706 times) Jun 15 15:32:10.163 W ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 node/master-0-0 reason/Failed Error: CreateContainer failed: Timeout reached after 3s waiting for device 0:0:0:0/block: unknown (5 times) Jun 15 15:32:23.983 I ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 node/master-0-0 container/write-pod reason/Pulled image/ Jun 15 15:32:27.192 W ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 node/master-0-0 reason/Failed Error: CreateContainer failed: Timeout reached after 3s waiting for device 0:0:0:0/block: unknown (6 times) Jun 15 15:32:28.282 W ns/default pod/recycler-for-nfs-pv10 node/worker-0-0 reason/FailedMount Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[vol], unattached volumes=[vol default-token-w29vn]: timed out waiting for the condition (4 times) Jun 15 15:32:30.777 W ns/default pod/recycler-for-nfs-pv10 node/worker-0-0 reason/FailedMount (combined from similar events): MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "vol" : mount failed: exit status 32\nMounting command: systemd-run\nMounting arguments: --description=Kubernetes transient mount for /var/lib/kubelet/pods/fae88201-7403-4838-a6f0-347b1b83e8ec/volumes/ --scope -- mount -t nfs /var/lib/kubelet/pods/fae88201-7403-4838-a6f0-347b1b83e8ec/volumes/\nOutput: Running scope as unit: run-r5b4d1bb0594546bc8a2625d1734c7394.scope\nmount.nfs: mounting failed, reason given by server: No such file or directory\n (4 times) Jun 15 15:32:39.983 I ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 node/master-0-0 container/write-pod reason/Pulled image/ Jun 15 15:32:43.239 W ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 node/master-0-0 reason/Failed Error: CreateContainer failed: Timeout reached after 3s waiting for device 0:0:0:0/block: unknown (7 times) Jun 15 15:32:54.984 I ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 node/master-0-0 container/write-pod reason/Pulled image/ Jun 15 15:32:58.217 W ns/e2e-persistent-local-volumes-test-4845 pod/security-context-daf10df6-b8a4-4339-a20b-5a4b509e5361 node/master-0-0 reason/Failed Error: CreateContainer failed: Timeout reached after 3s waiting for device 0:0:0:0/block: unknown (8 times) Jun 15 15:32:59.410 I ns/openshift-config-operator deployment/openshift-config-operator reason/KubeCloudConfigController openshift-config-managed/kube-cloud-config ConfigMap was deleted as no longer required (3890 times) Jun 15 17:33:09.232 I test="[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: block] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" failed Failing tests: [sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: block] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s] error: 1 fail, 0 pass, 0 skip (2m20s)