"[k8s.io] Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart exec hook properly [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart http hook properly [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute prestop exec hook properly [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute prestop http hook properly [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test on terminated container should report termination message [LinuxOnly] as empty when pod succeeds and TerminationMessagePolicy FallbackToLogsOnError is set [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test on terminated container should report termination message [LinuxOnly] from file when pod succeeds and TerminationMessagePolicy FallbackToLogsOnError is set [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test on terminated container should report termination message [LinuxOnly] from log output if TerminationMessagePolicy FallbackToLogsOnError is set [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test on terminated container should report termination message [LinuxOnly] if TerminationMessagePath is set [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test on terminated container should report termination message [LinuxOnly] if TerminationMessagePath is set as non-root user and at a non-default path [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test when running a container with a new image should be able to pull from private registry with secret [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test when running a container with a new image should be able to pull image [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test when running a container with a new image should not be able to pull from private registry without secret [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test when running a container with a new image should not be able to pull image from invalid registry [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test when starting a container that exits should run with the expected status [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Docker Containers should be able to override the image's default arguments (docker cmd) [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Docker Containers should be able to override the image's default command (docker entrypoint) [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Docker Containers should be able to override the image's default command and arguments [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Docker Containers should use the image defaults if command and args are blank [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] GKE local SSD [Feature:GKELocalSSD] should write and read from node local SSD [Feature:GKELocalSSD] [sig-arch] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] GKE node pools [Feature:GKENodePool] should create a cluster with multiple node pools [Feature:GKENodePool] [sig-arch] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] InitContainer [NodeConformance] should invoke init containers on a RestartAlways pod [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] InitContainer [NodeConformance] should invoke init containers on a RestartNever pod [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] InitContainer [NodeConformance] should not start app containers and fail the pod if init containers fail on a RestartNever pod [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] InitContainer [NodeConformance] should not start app containers if init containers fail on a RestartAlways pod [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a busybox Pod with hostAliases should write entries to /etc/hosts [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a busybox command in a pod should print the output to logs [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a busybox command that always fails in a pod should be possible to delete [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a busybox command that always fails in a pod should have an terminated reason [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a read only busybox container should not write to root filesystem [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] KubeletManagedEtcHosts should test kubelet managed /etc/hosts file [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Lease lease API should be available [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] NodeLease when the NodeLease feature is enabled should have OwnerReferences set [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] NodeLease when the NodeLease feature is enabled the kubelet should create and update a lease in the kube-node-lease namespace [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] NodeLease when the NodeLease feature is enabled the kubelet should report node status infrequently [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should allow activeDeadlineSeconds to be updated [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should be submitted and removed [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should be updated [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should contain environment variables for services [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should get a host IP [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should support pod readiness gates [NodeFeature:PodReadinessGate] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should support remote command execution over websockets [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should support retrieving logs from the container over websockets [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] PrivilegedPod [NodeConformance] should enable privileged commands [LinuxOnly] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should *not* be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should *not* be restarted with a exec \"cat /tmp/health\" liveness probe [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should *not* be restarted with a non-local redirect http liveness probe [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should *not* be restarted with a tcp:8080 liveness probe [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should be restarted with a docker exec liveness probe with timeout [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should be restarted with a exec \"cat /tmp/health\" liveness probe [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should be restarted with a local redirect http liveness probe [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should have monotonically increasing restart count [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container with readiness probe should not be ready before initial delay and never restart [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container with readiness probe that fails should never be ready and never restart [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a container with runAsNonRoot should not run with an explicit root user ID [LinuxOnly] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a container with runAsNonRoot should not run without a specified user ID [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a container with runAsNonRoot should run with an explicit non-root user ID [LinuxOnly] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a container with runAsNonRoot should run with an image specified user ID [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a container with runAsUser should run the container with uid 0 [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a container with runAsUser should run the container with uid 65534 [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a pod with privileged should run the container as privileged when true [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:HostAccess] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a pod with privileged should run the container as unprivileged when false [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a pod with readOnlyRootFilesystem should run the container with readonly rootfs when readOnlyRootFilesystem=true [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a pod with readOnlyRootFilesystem should run the container with writable rootfs when readOnlyRootFilesystem=false [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context when creating containers with AllowPrivilegeEscalation should allow privilege escalation when not explicitly set and uid != 0 [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context when creating containers with AllowPrivilegeEscalation should allow privilege escalation when true [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context when creating containers with AllowPrivilegeEscalation should not allow privilege escalation when false [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Variable Expansion should allow composing env vars into new env vars [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Variable Expansion should allow substituting values in a container's args [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Variable Expansion should allow substituting values in a container's command [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Variable Expansion should allow substituting values in a volume subpath [sig-storage] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [Feature:Example] [k8s.io] Downward API should create a pod that prints his name and namespace [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [Feature:Example] [k8s.io] Liveness liveness pods should be automatically restarted [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [Feature:Example] [k8s.io] Secret should create a pod that reads a secret [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] AppArmor load AppArmor profiles can disable an AppArmor profile, using unconfined [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] AppArmor load AppArmor profiles should enforce an AppArmor profile [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Events should be sent by kubelets and the scheduler about pods scheduling and running [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Mount propagation should propagate mounts to the host [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Pods Extended [k8s.io] Delete Grace Period should be submitted and removed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Pods Extended [k8s.io] Pod Container Status should never report success for a pending container [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Pods Extended [k8s.io] Pods Set QOS Class should be set on Pods with matching resource requests and limits for memory and cpu [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] PreStop should call prestop when killing a pod [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support container.SecurityContext.RunAsUser And container.SecurityContext.RunAsGroup [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support container.SecurityContext.RunAsUser [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support pod.Spec.SecurityContext.RunAsUser And pod.Spec.SecurityContext.RunAsGroup [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support pod.Spec.SecurityContext.RunAsUser [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support pod.Spec.SecurityContext.SupplementalGroups [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support seccomp alpha runtime/default annotation [Feature:Seccomp] [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support seccomp alpha unconfined annotation on the container [Feature:Seccomp] [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support seccomp alpha unconfined annotation on the pod [Feature:Seccomp] [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support seccomp default which is unconfined [Feature:Seccomp] [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] crictl should be able to run crictl on the node [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] APIServer CR fields validation additionalCORSAllowedOrigins [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] listing mutating webhooks should work [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] listing validating webhooks should work [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] patching/updating a mutating webhook should work [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] patching/updating a validating webhook should work [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should be able to deny attaching pod [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should be able to deny custom resource creation, update and deletion [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should be able to deny pod and configmap creation [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should deny crd creation [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should honor timeout [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should include webhook resources in discovery documents [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should mutate configmap [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should mutate custom resource [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should mutate custom resource with different stored version [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should mutate custom resource with pruning [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should mutate pod and apply defaults after mutation [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should not be able to mutate or prevent deletion of webhook configuration objects [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should unconditionally reject operations on fail closed webhook [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Aggregator Should be able to support the 1.17 Sample API Server using the current Aggregator [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceConversionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should be able to convert a non homogeneous list of CRs [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceConversionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should be able to convert from CR v1 to CR v2 [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceDefinition Watch [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] CustomResourceDefinition Watch watch on custom resource definition objects [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceDefinition resources [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] Simple CustomResourceDefinition creating/deleting custom resource definition objects works [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceDefinition resources [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] Simple CustomResourceDefinition getting/updating/patching custom resource definition status sub-resource works [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceDefinition resources [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] Simple CustomResourceDefinition listing custom resource definition objects works [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceDefinition resources [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] custom resource defaulting for requests and from storage works [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceDefinition resources [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should include custom resource definition resources in discovery documents [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] removes definition from spec when one version gets changed to not be served [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] updates the published spec when one version gets renamed [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] works for CRD preserving unknown fields at the schema root [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] works for CRD preserving unknown fields in an embedded object [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] works for CRD with validation schema [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] works for CRD without validation schema [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] works for multiple CRDs of different groups [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] works for multiple CRDs of same group and version but different kinds [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] works for multiple CRDs of same group but different versions [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Discovery Custom resource should have storage version hash [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should delete RS created by deployment when not orphaning [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should delete jobs and pods created by cronjob [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should delete pods created by rc when not orphaning [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should keep the rc around until all its pods are deleted if the deleteOptions says so [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should not be blocked by dependency circle [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should not delete dependents that have both valid owner and owner that's waiting for dependents to be deleted [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should orphan RS created by deployment when deleteOptions.PropagationPolicy is Orphan [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should orphan pods created by rc if delete options say so [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should orphan pods created by rc if deleteOptions.OrphanDependents is nil [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should support cascading deletion of custom resources [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should support orphan deletion of custom resources [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Generated clientset should create pods, set the deletionTimestamp and deletionGracePeriodSeconds of the pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Generated clientset should create v1beta1 cronJobs, delete cronJobs, watch cronJobs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:PodPriority] should verify ResourceQuota's multiple priority class scope (quota set to pod count: 2) against 2 pods with same priority classes. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:PodPriority] should verify ResourceQuota's priority class scope (cpu, memory quota set) against a pod with same priority class. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:PodPriority] should verify ResourceQuota's priority class scope (quota set to pod count: 1) against 2 pods with different priority class. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:PodPriority] should verify ResourceQuota's priority class scope (quota set to pod count: 1) against 2 pods with same priority class. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:PodPriority] should verify ResourceQuota's priority class scope (quota set to pod count: 1) against a pod with different priority class (ScopeSelectorOpExists). [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:PodPriority] should verify ResourceQuota's priority class scope (quota set to pod count: 1) against a pod with different priority class (ScopeSelectorOpNotIn). [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:PodPriority] should verify ResourceQuota's priority class scope (quota set to pod count: 1) against a pod with same priority class. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:ScopeSelectors] should verify ResourceQuota with best effort scope using scope-selectors. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:ScopeSelectors] should verify ResourceQuota with terminating scopes through scope selectors. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should be able to update and delete ResourceQuota. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a configMap. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a custom resource. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a persistent volume claim with a storage class. [sig-storage] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a persistent volume claim. [sig-storage] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a pod. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a replica set. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a replication controller. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a secret. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a service. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and ensure its status is promptly calculated. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should verify ResourceQuota with best effort scope. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should verify ResourceQuota with terminating scopes. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Secrets should be consumable from pods in env vars [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Secrets should be consumable via the environment [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Secrets should fail to create secret due to empty secret key [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Secrets should patch a secret [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Servers with support for API chunking should return chunks of results for list calls [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Servers with support for Table transformation should return a 406 for a backend which does not implement metadata [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Servers with support for Table transformation should return chunks of table results for list calls [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Servers with support for Table transformation should return generic metadata details across all namespaces for nodes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Servers with support for Table transformation should return pod details [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Watchers should be able to restart watching from the last resource version observed by the previous watch [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Watchers should be able to start watching from a specific resource version [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Watchers should observe add, update, and delete watch notifications on configmaps [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Watchers should observe an object deletion if it stops meeting the requirements of the selector [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Watchers should receive events on concurrent watches in same order [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] client-go should negotiate watch and report errors with accept \"application/json\" [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] client-go should negotiate watch and report errors with accept \"application/json,application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf\" [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] client-go should negotiate watch and report errors with accept \"application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf\" [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] client-go should negotiate watch and report errors with accept \"application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf,application/json\" [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery][Feature:APIServer] TestTLSDefaults [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-api-machinery][Feature:APIServer] anonymous browsers should get a 403 from / [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-api-machinery][Feature:APIServer] authenticated browser should get a 200 from / [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-api-machinery][Feature:ClusterResourceQuota] Cluster resource quota should control resource limits across namespaces [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps] CronJob should delete failed finished jobs with limit of one job [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] CronJob should delete successful finished jobs with limit of one successful job [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] CronJob should not emit unexpected warnings [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] CronJob should remove from active list jobs that have been deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] CronJob should replace jobs when ReplaceConcurrent [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] CronJob should schedule multiple jobs concurrently [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment RecreateDeployment should delete old pods and create new ones [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment RollingUpdateDeployment should delete old pods and create new ones [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment deployment reaping should cascade to its replica sets and pods [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment deployment should delete old replica sets [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment deployment should support proportional scaling [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment deployment should support rollover [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment iterative rollouts should eventually progress [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment should not disrupt a cloud load-balancer's connectivity during rollout [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment test Deployment ReplicaSet orphaning and adoption regarding controllerRef [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController Listing PodDisruptionBudgets for all namespaces should list and delete a collection of PodDisruptionBudgets [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController evictions: enough pods, absolute => should allow an eviction [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController evictions: enough pods, replicaSet, percentage => should allow an eviction [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController evictions: maxUnavailable allow single eviction, percentage => should allow an eviction [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController evictions: no PDB => should allow an eviction [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController evictions: too few pods, absolute => should not allow an eviction [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController should block an eviction until the PDB is updated to allow it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController should create a PodDisruptionBudget [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController should observe PodDisruptionBudget status updated [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController should update/patch PodDisruptionBudget status [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Job should adopt matching orphans and release non-matching pods [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Job should delete a job [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Job should fail to exceed backoffLimit [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Job should fail when exceeds active deadline [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Job should remove pods when job is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Job should run a job to completion when tasks sometimes fail and are locally restarted [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Job should run a job to completion when tasks succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicaSet should adopt matching pods on creation and release no longer matching pods [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicaSet should serve a basic image on each replica with a private image [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicaSet should serve a basic image on each replica with a public image [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicaSet should surface a failure condition on a common issue like exceeded quota [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicationController should adopt matching pods on creation [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicationController should release no longer matching pods [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicationController should serve a basic image on each replica with a private image [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicationController should serve a basic image on each replica with a public image [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicationController should surface a failure condition on a common issue like exceeded quota [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] Should recreate evicted statefulset [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should adopt matching orphans and release non-matching pods [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should have a working scale subresource [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should implement legacy replacement when the update strategy is OnDelete [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should not deadlock when a pod's predecessor fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should perform canary updates and phased rolling updates of template modifications [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should perform rolling updates and roll backs of template modifications [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should perform rolling updates and roll backs of template modifications with PVCs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should provide basic identity [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs should adhere to Three Laws of Controllers [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs adoption will orphan all RCs and adopt them back when recreated [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs generation should deploy based on a status version bump [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs ignores deployer and lets the config with a NewReplicationControllerCreated reason should let the deployment config with a NewReplicationControllerCreated reason [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs initially should not deploy if pods never transition to ready [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs keep the deployer pod invariant valid should deal with cancellation after deployer pod succeeded [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs keep the deployer pod invariant valid should deal with cancellation of running deployment [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs keep the deployer pod invariant valid should deal with config change in case the deployment is still running [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs paused should disable actions on deployments [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs rolled back should rollback to an older deployment [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs should respect image stream tag reference policy resolve the image pull spec [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs viewing rollout history should print the rollout history [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs when changing image change trigger should successfully trigger from an updated image [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs when run iteratively should immediately start a new deployment [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs when run iteratively should only deploy the last deployment [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs when tagging images should successfully tag the deployed image [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with custom deployments should run the custom deployment steps [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with enhanced status should include various info in status [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with env in params referencing the configmap should expand the config map key to a value [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with failing hook should get all logs from retried hooks [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with minimum ready seconds set should not transition the deployment to Complete before satisfied [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with multiple image change triggers should run a successful deployment with a trigger used by different containers [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with multiple image change triggers should run a successful deployment with multiple triggers [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with revision history limits should never persist more old deployments than acceptable after being observed by the controller [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with test deployments should run a deployment to completion and then scale to zero [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs won't deploy RC with unresolved images when patched with empty image [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:Jobs] Users should be able to create and run a job in a user project [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestDeployScale [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestDeploymentConfigDefaults [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestTriggers_MultipleICTs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestTriggers_configChange [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestTriggers_imageChange [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestTriggers_imageChange_nonAutomatic [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestTriggers_manual [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] ClusterOperators should define at least one namespace in their lists of related objects [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] ClusterOperators should define at least one related object that is not a namespace [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] Managed cluster should ensure control plane operators do not make themselves unevictable [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] Managed cluster should ensure control plane pods do not run in best-effort QoS [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] Managed cluster should ensure pods use downstream images from our release image with proper ImagePullPolicy [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] Managed cluster should have no crashlooping pods in core namespaces over two minutes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] Managed cluster should have operators on the cluster version [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] Managed cluster should should expose cluster services outside the cluster [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch][Early] Managed cluster should start all core operators [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-architecture] PodTemplates should run the lifecycle of PodTemplates [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] Certificates API should support building a client with a CSR [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] Metadata Concealment should run a check-metadata-concealment job to completion [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] PodSecurityPolicy [Feature:PodSecurityPolicy] should allow pods under the privileged policy.PodSecurityPolicy [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] PodSecurityPolicy [Feature:PodSecurityPolicy] should enforce the restricted policy.PodSecurityPolicy [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] PodSecurityPolicy [Feature:PodSecurityPolicy] should forbid pod creation when no PSP is available [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] ServiceAccounts should allow opting out of API token automount [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthenticator] The kubelet can delegate ServiceAccount tokens to the API server [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthenticator] The kubelet's main port 10250 should reject requests with no credentials [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthorizer] A node shouldn't be able to create another node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthorizer] A node shouldn't be able to delete another node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthorizer] Getting a non-existent configmap should exit with the Forbidden error, not a NotFound error [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthorizer] Getting a non-existent secret should exit with the Forbidden error, not a NotFound error [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthorizer] Getting a secret for a workload the node has access to should succeed [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthorizer] Getting an existing configmap should exit with the Forbidden error [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthorizer] Getting an existing secret should exit with the Forbidden error [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth][Feature:Authentication] TestFrontProxy should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:HTPasswdAuth] HTPasswd IDP should successfully configure htpasswd and be responsive [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:LDAP] LDAP IDP should authenticate against an ldap server [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:LDAP] LDAP should start an OpenLDAP test server [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] ClientSecretWithPlus should create oauthclient [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] OAuth server has the correct token and certificate fallback semantics [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] OAuth server should use http1.1 only to prevent http2 connection reuse [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the authorize URL [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the grant URL [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the login URL for the allow all IDP [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the login URL for the bootstrap IDP [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the login URL for when there is only one IDP [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the logout URL [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the root URL [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the token URL [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the token request URL [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Token Expiration] Using a OAuth client with a non-default token max age to generate tokens that do not expire works as expected when using a code authorization flow [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Token Expiration] Using a OAuth client with a non-default token max age to generate tokens that do not expire works as expected when using a token authorization flow [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Token Expiration] Using a OAuth client with a non-default token max age to generate tokens that expire shortly works as expected when using a code authorization flow [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Token Expiration] Using a OAuth client with a non-default token max age to generate tokens that expire shortly works as expected when using a token authorization flow [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] well-known endpoint should be reachable [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] RBAC proxy for openshift authz RunLegacyClusterRoleBindingEndpoint should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] RBAC proxy for openshift authz RunLegacyClusterRoleEndpoint should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] RBAC proxy for openshift authz RunLegacyEndpointConfirmNoEscalation should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] RBAC proxy for openshift authz RunLegacyLocalRoleBindingEndpoint should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] RBAC proxy for openshift authz RunLegacyLocalRoleEndpoint should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] The default cluster RBAC policy should have correct RBAC rules [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] authorization TestAuthorizationSubjectAccessReview should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] authorization TestAuthorizationSubjectAccessReviewAPIGroup should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] authorization TestBrowserSafeAuthorizer should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] authorization TestClusterReaderCoverage should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] scopes TestScopeEscalations should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] scopes TestScopedImpersonation should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] scopes TestScopedTokens should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] scopes TestTokensWithIllegalScopes should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] scopes TestUnknownScopes should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] self-SAR compatibility TestBootstrapPolicySelfSubjectAccessReviews should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] self-SAR compatibility TestSelfSubjectAccessReviewsNonExistingNamespace should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:ProjectAPI] TestInvalidRoleRefs should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:ProjectAPI] TestProjectIsNamespace should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:ProjectAPI] TestProjectWatch should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:ProjectAPI] TestProjectWatchWithSelectionPredicate should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:ProjectAPI] TestScopedProjectAccess should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:ProjectAPI] TestUnprivilegedNewProject [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:RoleBindingRestrictions] RoleBindingRestrictions should be functional Create a RBAC rolebinding when subject is not already bound and is not permitted by any RBR should fail [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:RoleBindingRestrictions] RoleBindingRestrictions should be functional Create a rolebinding that also contains system:non-existing users should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:RoleBindingRestrictions] RoleBindingRestrictions should be functional Create a rolebinding when subject is already bound should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:RoleBindingRestrictions] RoleBindingRestrictions should be functional Create a rolebinding when subject is not already bound and is not permitted by any RBR should fail [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:RoleBindingRestrictions] RoleBindingRestrictions should be functional Create a rolebinding when subject is permitted by RBR should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:RoleBindingRestrictions] RoleBindingRestrictions should be functional Create a rolebinding when there are no restrictions should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:RoleBindingRestrictions] RoleBindingRestrictions should be functional Rolebinding restrictions tests single project should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:SecurityContextConstraints] TestAllowedSCCViaRBAC [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:SecurityContextConstraints] TestPodUpdateSCCEnforcement [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:UserAPI] groups should work [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:UserAPI] users can manipulate groups [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-autoscaling] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Metrics from Stackdriver) should scale down with Custom Metric of type Object from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling] [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-autoscaling] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Metrics from Stackdriver) should scale down with Custom Metric of type Pod from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling] [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-autoscaling] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Metrics from Stackdriver) should scale down with Custom Metric of type Pod from Stackdriver with Prometheus [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling] [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-autoscaling] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Metrics from Stackdriver) should scale down with External Metric with target average value from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling] [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-autoscaling] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Metrics from Stackdriver) should scale down with External Metric with target value from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling] [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-autoscaling] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Metrics from Stackdriver) should scale up with two External metrics from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling] [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-autoscaling] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Metrics from Stackdriver) should scale up with two metrics of type Pod from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling] [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] Multi-stage image builds should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] Optimized image builds should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] build can reference a cluster service with a build being created from new-build should be able to run a build that references a cluster service [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] build have source revision metadata started build should contain source revision information [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] build with empty source started build should build even with an empty source in build config [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] build without output image building from templates should create an image from a S2i template without an output image reference defined [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] build without output image building from templates should create an image from a docker template without an output image reference defined [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] buildconfig secret injector should inject secrets to the appropriate buildconfigs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] custom build with buildah being created from new-build should complete build with custom builder image [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] forcePull should affect pulling builder images ForcePull test case execution custom [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] forcePull should affect pulling builder images ForcePull test case execution docker [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] forcePull should affect pulling builder images ForcePull test case execution s2i [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] imagechangetriggers imagechangetriggers should trigger builds of all types [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] oc new-app should fail with a --name longer than 58 characters [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] oc new-app should succeed with a --name of 58 characters [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] oc new-app should succeed with an imagestream [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] prune builds based on settings in the buildconfig buildconfigs should have a default history limit set when created via the group api [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] prune builds based on settings in the buildconfig should prune builds after a buildConfig change [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] prune builds based on settings in the buildconfig should prune canceled builds based on the failedBuildsHistoryLimit setting [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] prune builds based on settings in the buildconfig should prune completed builds based on the successfulBuildsHistoryLimit setting [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] prune builds based on settings in the buildconfig should prune errored builds based on the failedBuildsHistoryLimit setting [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] prune builds based on settings in the buildconfig should prune failed builds based on the failedBuildsHistoryLimit setting [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] remove all builds when build configuration is removed oc delete buildconfig should start builds and delete the buildconfig [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] result image should have proper labels set Docker build from a template should create a image from \"test-docker-build.json\" template with proper Docker labels [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] result image should have proper labels set S2I build from a template should create a image from \"test-s2i-build.json\" template with proper Docker labels [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] s2i build with a quota Building from a template should create an s2i build with a quota and run it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] s2i build with a root user image should create a root build and fail without a privileged SCC [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] s2i build with a root user image should create a root build and pass with a privileged SCC [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][pullsecret] docker build using a pull secret Building from a template should create a docker build that pulls using a secret run it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][timing] capture build stages and durations should record build stages and durations for docker [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][timing] capture build stages and durations should record build stages and durations for s2i [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][valueFrom] process valueFrom in build strategy environment variables should fail resolving unresolvable valueFrom in docker build environment variable references [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][valueFrom] process valueFrom in build strategy environment variables should fail resolving unresolvable valueFrom in sti build environment variable references [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][valueFrom] process valueFrom in build strategy environment variables should successfully resolve valueFrom in docker build environment variables [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][valueFrom] process valueFrom in build strategy environment variables should successfully resolve valueFrom in s2i build environment variables [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][webhook] TestWebhook [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][webhook] TestWebhookGitHubPing [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][webhook] TestWebhookGitHubPushWithImage [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][webhook] TestWebhookGitHubPushWithImageStream [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] CLI can run inside of a busybox container [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on should support forwarding over websockets [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on that expects NO client request should support a client that connects, sends DATA, and disconnects [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on that expects a client request should support a client that connects, sends DATA, and disconnects [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on that expects a client request should support a client that connects, sends NO DATA, and disconnects [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on localhost should support forwarding over websockets [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on localhost that expects NO client request should support a client that connects, sends DATA, and disconnects [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on localhost that expects a client request should support a client that connects, sends DATA, and disconnects [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on localhost that expects a client request should support a client that connects, sends NO DATA, and disconnects [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl api-versions should check if v1 is in available api versions [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl apply apply set/view last-applied [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl apply should apply a new configuration to an existing RC [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl apply should reuse port when apply to an existing SVC [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl client-side validation should create/apply a CR with unknown fields for CRD with no validation schema [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl client-side validation should create/apply a valid CR for CRD with validation schema [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl client-side validation should create/apply a valid CR with arbitrary-extra properties for CRD with partially-specified validation schema [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl cluster-info dump should check if cluster-info dump succeeds [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl copy should copy a file from a running Pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl create quota should create a quota with scopes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl create quota should create a quota without scopes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl create quota should reject quota with invalid scopes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl describe should check if kubectl describe prints relevant information for cronjob [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl describe should check if kubectl describe prints relevant information for rc and pods [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl expose should create services for rc [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl get componentstatuses should get componentstatuses [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl label should update the label on a resource [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl patch should add annotations for pods in rc [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl version should check is all data is printed [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Proxy server should support --unix-socket=/path [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Proxy server should support proxy with --port 0 [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Simple pod should return command exit codes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Simple pod should support exec [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Simple pod should support exec through an HTTP proxy [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Simple pod should support exec through kubectl proxy [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Simple pod should support exec using resource/name [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Simple pod should support port-forward [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Update Demo should create and stop a replication controller [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Update Demo should scale a replication controller [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] oc adm must-gather runs successfully [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm must-gather runs successfully with options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm oc adm node-logs --boot=0 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm oc adm node-logs --role=master --since=-2m [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm oc adm node-logs --since=-2m --until=-1m [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm oc adm node-logs --since= --until=-1m [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm oc adm node-logs --tail=5 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm oc adm node-logs --unit=kubelet --since=-1m [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm oc adm node-logs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc explain networking types when using openshift-sdn should contain proper fields description for special networking types [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc explain should contain proper fields description for special types [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc explain should contain proper spec+status for CRDs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc explain should contain spec+status for builtinTypes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc rsh rsh specific flags should work well when access to a remote shell [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cluster-lifecycle] CSRs from machines that are not recognized by the cloud provider are not approved [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cluster-lifecycle] Pods cannot access the /config/master API endpoint [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cluster-lifecycle][Feature:Machines] Managed cluster should have machine resources [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:ImageEcosystem][mongodb] openshift mongodb image creating from a template should instantiate the template [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestAutomaticCreationOfPullSecrets [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestDockercfgTokenDeletedController [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] template-api TestTemplate [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] template-api TestTemplateTransformationFromConfig [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance creation with invalid object reports error should report a failure on creation [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance cross-namespace test should create and delete objects across namespaces [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance impersonation tests should pass impersonation creation tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance impersonation tests should pass impersonation deletion tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance impersonation tests should pass impersonation update tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance object kinds test should create and delete objects from varying API groups [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance readiness test should report failed soon after an annotated objects has failed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance readiness test should report ready soon after all annotated objects are ready [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance security tests should pass security tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateservicebroker bind test should pass bind tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateservicebroker end-to-end test should pass an end-to-end test [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateservicebroker security test should pass security tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-etcd] etcd leader changes are not excessive [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageAppend] Image append should create images by appending them [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageExtract] Image extract should extract content from an image [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageInfo] Image info should display information about images [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageLayers] Image layer subresource should identify a deleted image as missing [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageLayers] Image layer subresource should return layers from tagged images [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageLookup] Image policy should perform lookup when the Deployment gets the resolve-names annotation later [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageLookup] Image policy should perform lookup when the object has the resolve-names annotation [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageLookup] Image policy should update standard Kube object image fields when local names are on [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Annotation trigger reconciles after the image is overwritten [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Image change build triggers TestMultipleImageChangeBuildTriggers [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Image change build triggers TestSimpleImageChangeBuildTriggerFromImageStreamTagCustom [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Image change build triggers TestSimpleImageChangeBuildTriggerFromImageStreamTagCustomWithConfigChange [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Image change build triggers TestSimpleImageChangeBuildTriggerFromImageStreamTagDocker [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Image change build triggers TestSimpleImageChangeBuildTriggerFromImageStreamTagDockerWithConfigChange [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Image change build triggers TestSimpleImageChangeBuildTriggerFromImageStreamTagSTI [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Image change build triggers TestSimpleImageChangeBuildTriggerFromImageStreamTagSTIWithConfigChange [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:Image] oc tag should change image reference for internal images [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:Image] oc tag should preserve image reference for external images [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:Image] oc tag should work when only imagestreams api is available [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:Image] signature TestImageAddSignature [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:Image] signature TestImageRemoveSignature [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] MetricsGrabber should grab all metrics from API server. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-instrumentation] MetricsGrabber should grab all metrics from a ControllerManager. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-instrumentation] MetricsGrabber should grab all metrics from a Kubelet. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-instrumentation] MetricsGrabber should grab all metrics from a Scheduler. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should have a AlertmanagerReceiversNotConfigured alert in firing state [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should have important platform topology metrics [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should have non-Pod host cAdvisor metrics [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should provide ingress metrics [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should report telemetry if a cloud.openshift.com token is present [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should start and expose a secured proxy and unsecured metrics [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster shouldn't have failing rules evaluation [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster shouldn't report any alerts in firing state apart from Watchdog and AlertmanagerReceiversNotConfigured [Early] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster when using openshift-sdn should be able to get the sdn ovs flows [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation][Late] Alerts should have a Watchdog alert in firing state the entire cluster run [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation][Late] Alerts shouldn't exceed the 500 series limit of total series sent via telemetry from each cluster [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation][Late] Alerts shouldn't report any alerts in firing state apart from Watchdog and AlertmanagerReceiversNotConfigured [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation][sig-builds][Feature:Builds] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should start and expose a secured proxy and verify build metrics [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network-edge][Conformance][Area:Networking][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should pass the gRPC interoperability tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal]" "[sig-network-edge][Conformance][Area:Networking][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should pass the h2spec conformance tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal]" "[sig-network-edge][Conformance][Area:Networking][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should pass the http2 tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal]" "[sig-network] DNS should provide /etc/hosts entries for the cluster [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for ExternalName services [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for pods for Hostname [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for pods for Subdomain [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for services [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for the cluster [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for the cluster [Provider:GCE] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should resolve DNS of partial qualified names for services [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should resolve DNS of partial qualified names for the cluster [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should support configurable pod DNS nameservers [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should support configurable pod resolv.conf [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] EndpointSlice [Feature:EndpointSlice] version v1 should create Endpoints and EndpointSlices for Pods matching a Service [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] IngressClass [Feature:Ingress] should not set default value if no default IngressClass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Internal connectivity for TCP and UDP on ports 9000-9999 is allowed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should allow ingress access from updated namespace [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should allow ingress access from updated pod [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should deny ingress access to updated pod [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce multiple ingress policies with ingress allow-all policy taking precedence [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce multiple, stacked policies with overlapping podSelectors [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on NamespaceSelector with MatchExpressions[Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on PodSelector and NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on PodSelector or NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on PodSelector with MatchExpressions[Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on Ports [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy to allow traffic from pods within server namespace based on PodSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy to allow traffic only from a different namespace, based on NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy to allow traffic only from a pod in a different namespace based on PodSelector and NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce updated policy [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should stop enforcing policies after they are deleted [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should support a 'default-deny' policy [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should support allow-all policy [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Pods should function for intra-pod communication: http [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Pods should function for intra-pod communication: udp [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Pods should function for node-pod communication: http [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Pods should function for node-pod communication: udp [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should be able to handle large requests: http [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should be able to handle large requests: udp [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for client IP based session affinity: http [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for client IP based session affinity: udp [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for endpoint-Service: http [Skipped:ovirt] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for endpoint-Service: udp [Skipped:ovirt] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for node-Service: http [Skipped:ovirt] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for node-Service: udp [Skipped:ovirt] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for pod-Service: http [Skipped:ovirt] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for pod-Service: udp [Skipped:ovirt] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should update endpoints: http [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should update endpoints: udp [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking should provide Internet connection for containers [Feature:Networking-IPv4] [Skipped:azure] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Proxy version v1 should proxy logs on node using proxy subresource [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Proxy version v1 should proxy logs on node with explicit kubelet port using proxy subresource [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Proxy version v1 should proxy through a service and a pod [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should allow pods to hairpin back to themselves through services [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to change the type from ClusterIP to ExternalName [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to change the type from ExternalName to ClusterIP [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to change the type from ExternalName to NodePort [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to change the type from NodePort to ExternalName [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to create a functioning NodePort service [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to switch session affinity for NodePort service [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to switch session affinity for service with type clusterIP [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to update service type to NodePort listening on same port number but different protocols [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be rejected when no endpoints exist [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should check NodePort out-of-range [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should create endpoints for unready pods [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should find a service from listing all namespaces [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should have session affinity timeout work for NodePort service [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should have session affinity timeout work for service with type clusterIP [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should have session affinity work for NodePort service [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should have session affinity work for service with type clusterIP [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should preserve source pod IP for traffic thru service cluster IP [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should prevent NodePort collisions [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should provide secure master service [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should release NodePorts on delete [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should serve a basic endpoint from pods [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should serve multiport endpoints from pods [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] multicast when using one of the plugins 'redhat/openshift-ovs-multitenant, redhat/openshift-ovs-networkpolicy' should allow multicast traffic in namespaces where it is enabled [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] multicast when using one of the plugins 'redhat/openshift-ovs-multitenant, redhat/openshift-ovs-networkpolicy' should block multicast traffic in namespaces where it is disabled [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] multicast when using one of the plugins 'redhat/openshift-ovs-subnet' should block multicast traffic [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that does not isolate namespaces by default should allow communication between pods in different namespaces on different nodes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that does not isolate namespaces by default should allow communication between pods in different namespaces on the same node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow communication from default to non-default namespace on a different node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow communication from default to non-default namespace on the same node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow communication from non-default to default namespace on a different node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow communication from non-default to default namespace on the same node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should prevent communication between pods in different namespaces on different nodes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should prevent communication between pods in different namespaces on the same node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services basic functionality should allow connections to another pod on a different node via a service IP [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services basic functionality should allow connections to another pod on the same node via a service IP [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that does not isolate namespaces by default should allow connections to pods in different namespaces on different nodes via service IPs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that does not isolate namespaces by default should allow connections to pods in different namespaces on the same node via service IPs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow connections from pods in the default namespace to a service in another namespace on a different node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow connections from pods in the default namespace to a service in another namespace on the same node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow connections to services in the default namespace from a pod in another namespace on a different node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow connections to services in the default namespace from a pod in another namespace on the same node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should prevent connections to pods in different namespaces on different nodes via service IPs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should prevent connections to pods in different namespaces on the same node via service IPs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router converges when multiple routers are writing conflicting status [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router converges when multiple routers are writing status [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should enable openshift-monitoring to pull metrics [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should expose a health check on the metrics port [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should expose prometheus metrics for a route [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should expose the profiling endpoints [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should override the route host for overridden domains with a custom value [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should override the route host with a custom value [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should respond with 503 to unrecognized hosts [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should run even if it has no access to update status [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should serve a route that points to two services and respect weights [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should serve routes that were created from an ingress [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should serve the correct routes when running with the haproxy config manager [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should serve the correct routes when scoped to a single namespace and label set [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should set Forwarded headers appropriately [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should support reencrypt to services backed by a serving certificate automatically [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][endpoints] admission TestEndpointAdmission [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-node] ConfigMap should be consumable via environment variable [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] ConfigMap should be consumable via the environment [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] ConfigMap should fail to create ConfigMap with empty key [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] ConfigMap should run through a ConfigMap lifecycle [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] ConfigMap should update ConfigMap successfully [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] Downward API should provide container's limits.cpu/memory and requests.cpu/memory as env vars [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] Downward API should provide default limits.cpu/memory from node allocatable [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] Downward API should provide host IP and pod IP as an env var if pod uses host network [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] Downward API should provide host IP as an env var [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] Downward API should provide pod UID as env vars [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] Downward API should provide pod name, namespace and IP address as env vars [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-operator] OLM should Implement packages API server and list packagemanifest info with namespace not NULL [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] OLM should be installed with catalogsources at version v1alpha1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] OLM should be installed with clusterserviceversions at version v1alpha1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] OLM should be installed with installplans at version v1alpha1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] OLM should be installed with operatorgroups at version v1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] OLM should be installed with packagemanifests at version v1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] OLM should be installed with subscriptions at version v1alpha1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] OLM should have imagePullPolicy:IfNotPresent on thier deployments [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] an end user use OLM Report Upgradeable in OLM ClusterOperators status [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] an end user use OLM can subscribe to the cockroachdb operator [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-scheduling] LimitRange should create a LimitRange with defaults and ensure pod has those defaults applied. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-scheduling] Multi-AZ Cluster Volumes [sig-storage] should only be allowed to provision PDs in zones where nodes exist [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-scheduling] Multi-AZ Cluster Volumes [sig-storage] should schedule pods in the same zones as statically provisioned PVs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-service-catalog] [Feature:PodPreset] PodPreset should create a pod preset [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-service-catalog] [Feature:PodPreset] PodPreset should not modify the pod on conflict [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic Snapshot] snapshottable should create snapshot with defaults [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: inline ephemeral CSI volume] ephemeral should create read-only inline ephemeral volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: inline ephemeral CSI volume] ephemeral should create read/write inline ephemeral volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: inline ephemeral CSI volume] ephemeral should support multiple inline ephemeral volumes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: inline ephemeral CSI volume] ephemeral should support two pods which share the same volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI Volume expansion should expand volume by restarting pod if attach=off, nodeExpansion=on [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI Volume expansion should expand volume by restarting pod if attach=on, nodeExpansion=on [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI Volume expansion should expand volume without restarting pod if nodeExpansion=off [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI Volume expansion should not expand volume if resizingOnDriver=off, resizingOnSC=on [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI attach test using mock driver should not require VolumeAttach for drivers without attachment [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI attach test using mock driver should preserve attachment policy when no CSIDriver present [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI attach test using mock driver should require VolumeAttach for drivers with attachment [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI online volume expansion should expand volume without restarting pod if attach=off, nodeExpansion=on [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI online volume expansion should expand volume without restarting pod if attach=on, nodeExpansion=on [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver contain ephemeral=true when using inline volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should be passed when podInfoOnMount=true [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should not be passed when CSIDriver does not exist [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should not be passed when podInfoOnMount=false [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should not be passed when podInfoOnMount=nil [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap binary data should be reflected in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap optional updates should be reflected in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with FSGroup [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with defaultMode and fsGroup set [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume with defaultMode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings and Item mode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings as non-root [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings as non-root with FSGroup [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable in multiple volumes in the same pod [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap updates should be reflected in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide container's cpu limit [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide container's cpu request [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide container's memory limit [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide container's memory request [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide node allocatable (cpu) as default cpu limit if the limit is not set [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide node allocatable (memory) as default memory limit if the limit is not set [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide podname as non-root with fsgroup [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide podname as non-root with fsgroup and defaultMode [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide podname only [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should set DefaultMode on files [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should set mode on item file [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should update annotations on modification [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should update labels on modification [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Dynamic Provisioning Invalid AWS KMS key should report an error and create no PV [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Dynamic Provisioning [k8s.io] GlusterDynamicProvisioner should create and delete persistent volumes [fast] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes pod should support shared volumes between containers [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0644,default) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0644,tmpfs) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0666,default) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0666,tmpfs) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0777,default) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0777,tmpfs) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0644,default) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0644,tmpfs) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0666,default) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0666,tmpfs) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0777,default) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0777,tmpfs) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes volume on default medium should have the correct mode [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes volume on tmpfs should have the correct mode [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] files with FSGroup ownership should support (root,0644,tmpfs) [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] new files should be created with FSGroup ownership when container is non-root [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] new files should be created with FSGroup ownership when container is root [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] nonexistent volume subPath should have the correct mode and owner using FSGroup [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] volume on default medium should have the correct mode using FSGroup [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] volume on tmpfs should have the correct mode using FSGroup [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir wrapper volumes should not conflict [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Ephemeralstorage When pod refers to non-existent ephemeral storage should allow deletion of pod with invalid volume : configmap [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Ephemeralstorage When pod refers to non-existent ephemeral storage should allow deletion of pod with invalid volume : projected [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Ephemeralstorage When pod refers to non-existent ephemeral storage should allow deletion of pod with invalid volume : secret [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Flexvolumes should be mountable when attachable [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Flexvolumes should be mountable when non-attachable [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] GCP Volumes GlusterFS should be mountable [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] GCP Volumes NFSv3 should be mountable for NFSv3 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] GCP Volumes NFSv4 should be mountable for NFSv4 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] HostPath should give a volume the correct mode [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] HostPath should support r/w [NodeConformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] HostPath should support subPath [NodeConformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Mounted volume expand Should verify mounted devices can be resized [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PV Protection Verify \"immediate\" deletion of a PV that is not bound to a PVC [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PV Protection Verify that PV bound to a PVC is not removed immediately [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PVC Protection Verify \"immediate\" deletion of a PVC that is not in active use by a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PVC Protection Verify that PVC in active use by a pod is not removed immediately [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PVC Protection Verify that scheduling of a pod that uses PVC that is being deleted fails and the pod becomes Unschedulable [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes GCEPD should test that deleting a PVC before the pod does not cause pod deletion to fail on PD detach [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes GCEPD should test that deleting the PV before the pod does not cause pod deletion to fail on PD detach [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes NFS when invoking the Recycle reclaim policy should test that a PV becomes Available and is clean after the PVC is deleted. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes NFS with Single PV - PVC pairs create a PV and a pre-bound PVC: test write access [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes NFS with Single PV - PVC pairs create a PVC and a pre-bound PV: test write access [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes NFS with Single PV - PVC pairs create a PVC and non-pre-bound PV: test write access [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes NFS with Single PV - PVC pairs should create a non-pre-bound PV and PVC: test write access [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes NFS with multiple PVs and PVCs all in same ns should create 2 PVs and 4 PVCs: test write access [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes NFS with multiple PVs and PVCs all in same ns should create 3 PVs and 3 PVCs: test write access [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes [Feature:vsphere][Feature:LabelSelector] [sig-storage] Selector-Label Volume Binding:vsphere [Feature:vsphere] should bind volume with claim for given label [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes [Feature:vsphere][Feature:ReclaimPolicy] [sig-storage] persistentvolumereclaim:vsphere [Feature:vsphere] should delete persistent volume when reclaimPolicy set to delete and associated claim is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes [Feature:vsphere][Feature:ReclaimPolicy] [sig-storage] persistentvolumereclaim:vsphere [Feature:vsphere] should not detach and unmount PV when associated pvc with delete as reclaimPolicy is deleted when it is in use by the pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes [Feature:vsphere][Feature:ReclaimPolicy] [sig-storage] persistentvolumereclaim:vsphere [Feature:vsphere] should retain persistent volume when reclaimPolicy set to retain when associated claim is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local Pod with node different from PV's NodeAffinity should fail scheduling due to different NodeAffinity [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local Pod with node different from PV's NodeAffinity should fail scheduling due to different NodeSelector [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: block] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: block] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: block] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: block] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: block] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithformat] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithformat] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithformat] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithformat] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithformat] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithoutformat] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithoutformat] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithoutformat] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithoutformat] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithoutformat] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-bindmounted] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-bindmounted] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-bindmounted] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-bindmounted] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-bindmounted] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link-bindmounted] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link-bindmounted] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link-bindmounted] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link-bindmounted] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link-bindmounted] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: tmpfs] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: tmpfs] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: tmpfs] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: tmpfs] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: tmpfs] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes:vsphere [Feature:vsphere] should test that deleting a PVC before the pod does not cause pod deletion to fail on vsphere volume detach [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes:vsphere [Feature:vsphere] should test that deleting the Namespace of a PVC and Pod causes the successful detach of vsphere volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes:vsphere [Feature:vsphere] should test that deleting the PV before the pod does not cause pod deletion to fail on vspehre volume detach [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Pod Disks should be able to delete a non-existent PD without error [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected combined should project all components that make up the projection API [Projection][NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap optional updates should be reflected in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with FSGroup [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with defaultMode and fsGroup set [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume with defaultMode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings and Item mode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings as non-root [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings as non-root with FSGroup [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable in multiple volumes in the same pod [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap updates should be reflected in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide container's cpu limit [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide container's cpu request [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide container's memory limit [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide container's memory request [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide node allocatable (cpu) as default cpu limit if the limit is not set [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide node allocatable (memory) as default memory limit if the limit is not set [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide podname as non-root with fsgroup [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide podname as non-root with fsgroup and defaultMode [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide podname only [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should set DefaultMode on files [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should set mode on item file [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should update annotations on modification [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should update labels on modification [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret optional updates should be reflected in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret should be able to mount in a volume regardless of a different secret existing with same name in different namespace [NodeConformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret should be consumable from pods in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with defaultMode and fsGroup set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret should be consumable from pods in volume with defaultMode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings and Item Mode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret should be consumable in multiple volumes in a pod [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets optional updates should be reflected in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets should be able to mount in a volume regardless of a different secret existing with same name in different namespace [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets should be consumable from pods in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with defaultMode and fsGroup set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets should be consumable from pods in volume with defaultMode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings and Item Mode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets should be consumable in multiple volumes in a pod [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with invalid capability name objectSpaceReserve is not honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with invalid diskStripes value is not honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with invalid hostFailuresToTolerate value is not honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with non-vsan datastore is not honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with valid diskStripes and objectSpaceReservation values and a VSAN datastore is honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with valid diskStripes and objectSpaceReservation values is honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with valid hostFailuresToTolerate and cacheReservation values is honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with valid objectSpaceReservation and iopsLimit values is honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify an existing and compatible SPBM policy is honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify an if a SPBM policy and VSAN capabilities cannot be honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify clean up of stale dummy VM for dynamically provisioned pvc using SPBM policy [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify if a SPBM policy is not honored on a non-compatible datastore for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify if a non-existing SPBM policy is not honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Subpath Atomic writer volumes should support subpaths with configmap pod [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Subpath Atomic writer volumes should support subpaths with configmap pod with mountPath of existing file [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Subpath Atomic writer volumes should support subpaths with downward pod [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Subpath Atomic writer volumes should support subpaths with projected pod [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Subpath Atomic writer volumes should support subpaths with secret pod [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Disk Format [Feature:vsphere] verify disk format type - eagerzeroedthick is honored for dynamically provisioned pv using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Disk Format [Feature:vsphere] verify disk format type - thin is honored for dynamically provisioned pv using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Disk Format [Feature:vsphere] verify disk format type - zeroedthick is honored for dynamically provisioned pv using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Disk Size [Feature:vsphere] verify dynamically provisioned pv has size rounded up correctly [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume FStype [Feature:vsphere] verify fstype - default value should be ext4 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume FStype [Feature:vsphere] verify fstype - ext3 formatted volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume FStype [Feature:vsphere] verify invalid fstype [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Operations Storm [Feature:vsphere] should create pod with many volumes and verify no attach call fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Placement [Feature:vsphere] should create and delete pod with multiple volumes from different datastore [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Placement [Feature:vsphere] should create and delete pod with multiple volumes from same datastore [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Placement [Feature:vsphere] should create and delete pod with the same volume source attach/detach to different worker nodes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Placement [Feature:vsphere] should create and delete pod with the same volume source on the same worker node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Placement [Feature:vsphere] test back to back pod creation and deletion with different volume sources on the same worker node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Provisioning On Clustered Datastore [Feature:vsphere] verify dynamic provision with default parameter on clustered datastore [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Provisioning On Clustered Datastore [Feature:vsphere] verify dynamic provision with spbm policy on clustered datastore [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Provisioning On Clustered Datastore [Feature:vsphere] verify static provisioning on clustered datastore [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Provisioning on Datastore [Feature:vsphere] verify dynamically provisioned pv using storageclass fails on an invalid datastore [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume limits should verify that all nodes have volume limits [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volumes ConfigMap should be mountable [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation fails if no zones are specified in the storage class (No shared datastores exist among all the nodes) [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation fails if only datastore is specified in the storage class (No shared datastores exist among all the nodes) [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation fails if only storage policy is specified in the storage class (No shared datastores exist among all the nodes) [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation fails if the availability zone specified in the storage class have no shared datastores under it. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation with an invalid VSAN capability along with a compatible zone combination specified in storage class fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation with compatible policy and datastore without any zones specified in the storage class fails (No shared datastores exist among all the nodes) [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation with incompatible datastore and zone combination specified in storage class fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation with incompatible storage policy along with compatible zone and datastore combination specified in storage class fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation with incompatible storagePolicy and zone combination specified in storage class fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation with incompatible zone along with compatible storagePolicy and datastore combination specified in storage class fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation with invalid zone specified in storage class fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a PVC creation fails when multiple zones are specified in the storage class without shared datastores among the zones in waitForFirstConsumer binding mode [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod fails to get scheduled when conflicting volume topology (allowedTopologies) and pod scheduling constraints(nodeSelector) are specified [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV with storage policy specified in storage class in waitForFirstConsumer binding mode [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV with storage policy specified in storage class in waitForFirstConsumer binding mode with allowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV with storage policy specified in storage class in waitForFirstConsumer binding mode with multiple allowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on a VSAN capability, datastore and compatible zone specified in storage class [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on allowed zones specified in storage class [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on multiple zones specified in storage class [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on multiple zones specified in the storage class. (No shared datastores exist among both zones) [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on the allowed zones and datastore specified in storage class [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on the allowed zones and datastore specified in storage class when there are multiple datastores with the same name under different zones across datacenters [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on the allowed zones and storage policy specified in storage class [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on the allowed zones specified in storage class when the datastore under the zone is present in another datacenter [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on the allowed zones, datastore and storage policy specified in storage class [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created on a non-Workspace zone and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on the allowed zones and storage policy specified in storage class [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify dynamically created pv with allowed zones specified in storage class, shows the right zone information on its labels [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify dynamically created pv with multiple zones specified in the storage class, shows both the zones on its labels [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] vcp at scale [Feature:vsphere] vsphere scale tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] vcp-performance [Feature:vsphere] vcp performance tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] vsphere cloud provider stress [Feature:vsphere] vsphere stress tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] vsphere statefulset [Feature:vsphere] vsphere statefulset testing [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart exec hook properly [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart http hook properly [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute prestop exec hook properly [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute prestop http hook properly [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test on terminated container should report termination message [LinuxOnly] as empty when pod succeeds and TerminationMessagePolicy FallbackToLogsOnError is set [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test on terminated container should report termination message [LinuxOnly] from file when pod succeeds and TerminationMessagePolicy FallbackToLogsOnError is set [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test on terminated container should report termination message [LinuxOnly] from log output if TerminationMessagePolicy FallbackToLogsOnError is set [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test on terminated container should report termination message [LinuxOnly] if TerminationMessagePath is set [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test on terminated container should report termination message [LinuxOnly] if TerminationMessagePath is set as non-root user and at a non-default path [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test when running a container with a new image should be able to pull from private registry with secret [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test when running a container with a new image should be able to pull image [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test when running a container with a new image should not be able to pull from private registry without secret [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test when running a container with a new image should not be able to pull image from invalid registry [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test when starting a container that exits should run with the expected status [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Docker Containers should be able to override the image's default arguments (docker cmd) [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Docker Containers should be able to override the image's default command (docker entrypoint) [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Docker Containers should be able to override the image's default command and arguments [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Docker Containers should use the image defaults if command and args are blank [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] GKE local SSD [Feature:GKELocalSSD] should write and read from node local SSD [Feature:GKELocalSSD] [sig-arch] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] GKE node pools [Feature:GKENodePool] should create a cluster with multiple node pools [Feature:GKENodePool] [sig-arch] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] InitContainer [NodeConformance] should invoke init containers on a RestartAlways pod [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] InitContainer [NodeConformance] should invoke init containers on a RestartNever pod [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] InitContainer [NodeConformance] should not start app containers and fail the pod if init containers fail on a RestartNever pod [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] InitContainer [NodeConformance] should not start app containers if init containers fail on a RestartAlways pod [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a busybox Pod with hostAliases should write entries to /etc/hosts [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a busybox command in a pod should print the output to logs [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a busybox command that always fails in a pod should be possible to delete [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a busybox command that always fails in a pod should have an terminated reason [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a read only busybox container should not write to root filesystem [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] KubeletManagedEtcHosts should test kubelet managed /etc/hosts file [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Lease lease API should be available [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] NodeLease when the NodeLease feature is enabled should have OwnerReferences set [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] NodeLease when the NodeLease feature is enabled the kubelet should create and update a lease in the kube-node-lease namespace [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] NodeLease when the NodeLease feature is enabled the kubelet should report node status infrequently [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should allow activeDeadlineSeconds to be updated [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should be submitted and removed [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should be updated [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should contain environment variables for services [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should get a host IP [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should support pod readiness gates [NodeFeature:PodReadinessGate] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should support remote command execution over websockets [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should support retrieving logs from the container over websockets [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] PrivilegedPod [NodeConformance] should enable privileged commands [LinuxOnly] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should *not* be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should *not* be restarted with a exec \"cat /tmp/health\" liveness probe [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should *not* be restarted with a non-local redirect http liveness probe [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should *not* be restarted with a tcp:8080 liveness probe [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should be restarted with a docker exec liveness probe with timeout [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should be restarted with a exec \"cat /tmp/health\" liveness probe [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should be restarted with a local redirect http liveness probe [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should have monotonically increasing restart count [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container with readiness probe should not be ready before initial delay and never restart [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container with readiness probe that fails should never be ready and never restart [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a container with runAsNonRoot should not run with an explicit root user ID [LinuxOnly] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a container with runAsNonRoot should not run without a specified user ID [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a container with runAsNonRoot should run with an explicit non-root user ID [LinuxOnly] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a container with runAsNonRoot should run with an image specified user ID [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a container with runAsUser should run the container with uid 0 [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a container with runAsUser should run the container with uid 65534 [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a pod with privileged should run the container as privileged when true [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:HostAccess] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a pod with privileged should run the container as unprivileged when false [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a pod with readOnlyRootFilesystem should run the container with readonly rootfs when readOnlyRootFilesystem=true [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a pod with readOnlyRootFilesystem should run the container with writable rootfs when readOnlyRootFilesystem=false [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context when creating containers with AllowPrivilegeEscalation should allow privilege escalation when not explicitly set and uid != 0 [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context when creating containers with AllowPrivilegeEscalation should allow privilege escalation when true [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context when creating containers with AllowPrivilegeEscalation should not allow privilege escalation when false [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Variable Expansion should allow composing env vars into new env vars [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Variable Expansion should allow substituting values in a container's args [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Variable Expansion should allow substituting values in a container's command [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Variable Expansion should allow substituting values in a volume subpath [sig-storage] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [Feature:Example] [k8s.io] Downward API should create a pod that prints his name and namespace [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [Feature:Example] [k8s.io] Liveness liveness pods should be automatically restarted [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [Feature:Example] [k8s.io] Secret should create a pod that reads a secret [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] AppArmor load AppArmor profiles can disable an AppArmor profile, using unconfined [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] AppArmor load AppArmor profiles should enforce an AppArmor profile [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Events should be sent by kubelets and the scheduler about pods scheduling and running [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Mount propagation should propagate mounts to the host [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Pods Extended [k8s.io] Delete Grace Period should be submitted and removed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Pods Extended [k8s.io] Pod Container Status should never report success for a pending container [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Pods Extended [k8s.io] Pods Set QOS Class should be set on Pods with matching resource requests and limits for memory and cpu [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] PreStop should call prestop when killing a pod [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support container.SecurityContext.RunAsUser And container.SecurityContext.RunAsGroup [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support container.SecurityContext.RunAsUser [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support pod.Spec.SecurityContext.RunAsUser And pod.Spec.SecurityContext.RunAsGroup [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support pod.Spec.SecurityContext.RunAsUser [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support pod.Spec.SecurityContext.SupplementalGroups [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support seccomp alpha runtime/default annotation [Feature:Seccomp] [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support seccomp alpha unconfined annotation on the container [Feature:Seccomp] [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support seccomp alpha unconfined annotation on the pod [Feature:Seccomp] [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support seccomp default which is unconfined [Feature:Seccomp] [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] crictl should be able to run crictl on the node [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] APIServer CR fields validation additionalCORSAllowedOrigins [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] listing mutating webhooks should work [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] listing validating webhooks should work [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] patching/updating a mutating webhook should work [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] patching/updating a validating webhook should work [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should be able to deny attaching pod [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should be able to deny custom resource creation, update and deletion [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should be able to deny pod and configmap creation [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should deny crd creation [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should honor timeout [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should include webhook resources in discovery documents [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should mutate configmap [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should mutate custom resource [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should mutate custom resource with different stored version [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should mutate custom resource with pruning [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should mutate pod and apply defaults after mutation [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should not be able to mutate or prevent deletion of webhook configuration objects [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should unconditionally reject operations on fail closed webhook [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Aggregator Should be able to support the 1.17 Sample API Server using the current Aggregator [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceConversionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should be able to convert a non homogeneous list of CRs [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceConversionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should be able to convert from CR v1 to CR v2 [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceDefinition Watch [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] CustomResourceDefinition Watch watch on custom resource definition objects [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceDefinition resources [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] Simple CustomResourceDefinition creating/deleting custom resource definition objects works [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceDefinition resources [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] Simple CustomResourceDefinition getting/updating/patching custom resource definition status sub-resource works [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceDefinition resources [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] Simple CustomResourceDefinition listing custom resource definition objects works [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceDefinition resources [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] custom resource defaulting for requests and from storage works [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceDefinition resources [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should include custom resource definition resources in discovery documents [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] removes definition from spec when one version gets changed to not be served [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] updates the published spec when one version gets renamed [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] works for CRD preserving unknown fields at the schema root [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] works for CRD preserving unknown fields in an embedded object [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] works for CRD with validation schema [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] works for CRD without validation schema [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] works for multiple CRDs of different groups [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] works for multiple CRDs of same group and version but different kinds [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] works for multiple CRDs of same group but different versions [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Discovery Custom resource should have storage version hash [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should delete RS created by deployment when not orphaning [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should delete jobs and pods created by cronjob [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should delete pods created by rc when not orphaning [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should keep the rc around until all its pods are deleted if the deleteOptions says so [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should not be blocked by dependency circle [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should not delete dependents that have both valid owner and owner that's waiting for dependents to be deleted [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should orphan RS created by deployment when deleteOptions.PropagationPolicy is Orphan [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should orphan pods created by rc if delete options say so [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should orphan pods created by rc if deleteOptions.OrphanDependents is nil [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should support cascading deletion of custom resources [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should support orphan deletion of custom resources [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Generated clientset should create pods, set the deletionTimestamp and deletionGracePeriodSeconds of the pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Generated clientset should create v1beta1 cronJobs, delete cronJobs, watch cronJobs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:PodPriority] should verify ResourceQuota's multiple priority class scope (quota set to pod count: 2) against 2 pods with same priority classes. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:PodPriority] should verify ResourceQuota's priority class scope (cpu, memory quota set) against a pod with same priority class. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:PodPriority] should verify ResourceQuota's priority class scope (quota set to pod count: 1) against 2 pods with different priority class. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:PodPriority] should verify ResourceQuota's priority class scope (quota set to pod count: 1) against 2 pods with same priority class. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:PodPriority] should verify ResourceQuota's priority class scope (quota set to pod count: 1) against a pod with different priority class (ScopeSelectorOpExists). [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:PodPriority] should verify ResourceQuota's priority class scope (quota set to pod count: 1) against a pod with different priority class (ScopeSelectorOpNotIn). [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:PodPriority] should verify ResourceQuota's priority class scope (quota set to pod count: 1) against a pod with same priority class. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:ScopeSelectors] should verify ResourceQuota with best effort scope using scope-selectors. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:ScopeSelectors] should verify ResourceQuota with terminating scopes through scope selectors. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should be able to update and delete ResourceQuota. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a configMap. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a custom resource. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a persistent volume claim with a storage class. [sig-storage] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a persistent volume claim. [sig-storage] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a pod. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a replica set. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a replication controller. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a secret. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a service. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and ensure its status is promptly calculated. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should verify ResourceQuota with best effort scope. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should verify ResourceQuota with terminating scopes. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Secrets should be consumable from pods in env vars [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Secrets should be consumable via the environment [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Secrets should fail to create secret due to empty secret key [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Secrets should patch a secret [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Servers with support for API chunking should return chunks of results for list calls [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Servers with support for Table transformation should return a 406 for a backend which does not implement metadata [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Servers with support for Table transformation should return chunks of table results for list calls [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Servers with support for Table transformation should return generic metadata details across all namespaces for nodes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Servers with support for Table transformation should return pod details [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Watchers should be able to restart watching from the last resource version observed by the previous watch [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Watchers should be able to start watching from a specific resource version [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Watchers should observe add, update, and delete watch notifications on configmaps [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Watchers should observe an object deletion if it stops meeting the requirements of the selector [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Watchers should receive events on concurrent watches in same order [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] client-go should negotiate watch and report errors with accept \"application/json\" [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] client-go should negotiate watch and report errors with accept \"application/json,application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf\" [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] client-go should negotiate watch and report errors with accept \"application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf\" [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] client-go should negotiate watch and report errors with accept \"application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf,application/json\" [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery][Feature:APIServer] TestTLSDefaults [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-api-machinery][Feature:APIServer] anonymous browsers should get a 403 from / [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-api-machinery][Feature:APIServer] authenticated browser should get a 200 from / [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-api-machinery][Feature:ClusterResourceQuota] Cluster resource quota should control resource limits across namespaces [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps] CronJob should delete failed finished jobs with limit of one job [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] CronJob should delete successful finished jobs with limit of one successful job [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] CronJob should not emit unexpected warnings [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] CronJob should remove from active list jobs that have been deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] CronJob should replace jobs when ReplaceConcurrent [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] CronJob should schedule multiple jobs concurrently [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment RecreateDeployment should delete old pods and create new ones [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment RollingUpdateDeployment should delete old pods and create new ones [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment deployment reaping should cascade to its replica sets and pods [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment deployment should delete old replica sets [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment deployment should support proportional scaling [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment deployment should support rollover [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment iterative rollouts should eventually progress [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment should not disrupt a cloud load-balancer's connectivity during rollout [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment test Deployment ReplicaSet orphaning and adoption regarding controllerRef [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController Listing PodDisruptionBudgets for all namespaces should list and delete a collection of PodDisruptionBudgets [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController evictions: enough pods, absolute => should allow an eviction [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController evictions: enough pods, replicaSet, percentage => should allow an eviction [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController evictions: maxUnavailable allow single eviction, percentage => should allow an eviction [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController evictions: no PDB => should allow an eviction [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController evictions: too few pods, absolute => should not allow an eviction [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController should block an eviction until the PDB is updated to allow it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController should create a PodDisruptionBudget [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController should observe PodDisruptionBudget status updated [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController should update/patch PodDisruptionBudget status [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Job should adopt matching orphans and release non-matching pods [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Job should delete a job [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Job should fail to exceed backoffLimit [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Job should fail when exceeds active deadline [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Job should remove pods when job is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Job should run a job to completion when tasks sometimes fail and are locally restarted [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Job should run a job to completion when tasks succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicaSet should adopt matching pods on creation and release no longer matching pods [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicaSet should serve a basic image on each replica with a private image [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicaSet should serve a basic image on each replica with a public image [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicaSet should surface a failure condition on a common issue like exceeded quota [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicationController should adopt matching pods on creation [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicationController should release no longer matching pods [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicationController should serve a basic image on each replica with a private image [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicationController should serve a basic image on each replica with a public image [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicationController should surface a failure condition on a common issue like exceeded quota [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] Should recreate evicted statefulset [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should adopt matching orphans and release non-matching pods [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should have a working scale subresource [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should implement legacy replacement when the update strategy is OnDelete [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should not deadlock when a pod's predecessor fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should perform canary updates and phased rolling updates of template modifications [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should perform rolling updates and roll backs of template modifications [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should perform rolling updates and roll backs of template modifications with PVCs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should provide basic identity [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs should adhere to Three Laws of Controllers [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs adoption will orphan all RCs and adopt them back when recreated [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs generation should deploy based on a status version bump [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs ignores deployer and lets the config with a NewReplicationControllerCreated reason should let the deployment config with a NewReplicationControllerCreated reason [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs initially should not deploy if pods never transition to ready [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs keep the deployer pod invariant valid should deal with cancellation after deployer pod succeeded [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs keep the deployer pod invariant valid should deal with cancellation of running deployment [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs keep the deployer pod invariant valid should deal with config change in case the deployment is still running [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs paused should disable actions on deployments [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs rolled back should rollback to an older deployment [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs should respect image stream tag reference policy resolve the image pull spec [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs viewing rollout history should print the rollout history [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs when changing image change trigger should successfully trigger from an updated image [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs when run iteratively should immediately start a new deployment [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs when run iteratively should only deploy the last deployment [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs when tagging images should successfully tag the deployed image [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with custom deployments should run the custom deployment steps [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with enhanced status should include various info in status [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with env in params referencing the configmap should expand the config map key to a value [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with failing hook should get all logs from retried hooks [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with minimum ready seconds set should not transition the deployment to Complete before satisfied [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with multiple image change triggers should run a successful deployment with a trigger used by different containers [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with multiple image change triggers should run a successful deployment with multiple triggers [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with revision history limits should never persist more old deployments than acceptable after being observed by the controller [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with test deployments should run a deployment to completion and then scale to zero [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs won't deploy RC with unresolved images when patched with empty image [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:Jobs] Users should be able to create and run a job in a user project [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestDeployScale [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestDeploymentConfigDefaults [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestTriggers_MultipleICTs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestTriggers_configChange [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestTriggers_imageChange [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestTriggers_imageChange_nonAutomatic [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestTriggers_manual [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] ClusterOperators should define at least one namespace in their lists of related objects [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] ClusterOperators should define at least one related object that is not a namespace [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] Managed cluster should ensure control plane operators do not make themselves unevictable [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] Managed cluster should ensure control plane pods do not run in best-effort QoS [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] Managed cluster should ensure pods use downstream images from our release image with proper ImagePullPolicy [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] Managed cluster should have no crashlooping pods in core namespaces over two minutes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] Managed cluster should have operators on the cluster version [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] Managed cluster should should expose cluster services outside the cluster [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch][Early] Managed cluster should start all core operators [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-architecture] PodTemplates should run the lifecycle of PodTemplates [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] Certificates API should support building a client with a CSR [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] Metadata Concealment should run a check-metadata-concealment job to completion [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] PodSecurityPolicy [Feature:PodSecurityPolicy] should allow pods under the privileged policy.PodSecurityPolicy [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] PodSecurityPolicy [Feature:PodSecurityPolicy] should enforce the restricted policy.PodSecurityPolicy [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] PodSecurityPolicy [Feature:PodSecurityPolicy] should forbid pod creation when no PSP is available [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] ServiceAccounts should allow opting out of API token automount [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthenticator] The kubelet can delegate ServiceAccount tokens to the API server [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthenticator] The kubelet's main port 10250 should reject requests with no credentials [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthorizer] A node shouldn't be able to create another node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthorizer] A node shouldn't be able to delete another node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthorizer] Getting a non-existent configmap should exit with the Forbidden error, not a NotFound error [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthorizer] Getting a non-existent secret should exit with the Forbidden error, not a NotFound error [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthorizer] Getting a secret for a workload the node has access to should succeed [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthorizer] Getting an existing configmap should exit with the Forbidden error [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthorizer] Getting an existing secret should exit with the Forbidden error [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth][Feature:Authentication] TestFrontProxy should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:HTPasswdAuth] HTPasswd IDP should successfully configure htpasswd and be responsive [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:LDAP] LDAP IDP should authenticate against an ldap server [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:LDAP] LDAP should start an OpenLDAP test server [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] ClientSecretWithPlus should create oauthclient [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] OAuth server has the correct token and certificate fallback semantics [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] OAuth server should use http1.1 only to prevent http2 connection reuse [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the authorize URL [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the grant URL [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the login URL for the allow all IDP [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the login URL for the bootstrap IDP [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the login URL for when there is only one IDP [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the logout URL [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the root URL [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the token URL [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the token request URL [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Token Expiration] Using a OAuth client with a non-default token max age to generate tokens that do not expire works as expected when using a code authorization flow [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Token Expiration] Using a OAuth client with a non-default token max age to generate tokens that do not expire works as expected when using a token authorization flow [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Token Expiration] Using a OAuth client with a non-default token max age to generate tokens that expire shortly works as expected when using a code authorization flow [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Token Expiration] Using a OAuth client with a non-default token max age to generate tokens that expire shortly works as expected when using a token authorization flow [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] well-known endpoint should be reachable [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] RBAC proxy for openshift authz RunLegacyClusterRoleBindingEndpoint should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] RBAC proxy for openshift authz RunLegacyClusterRoleEndpoint should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] RBAC proxy for openshift authz RunLegacyEndpointConfirmNoEscalation should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] RBAC proxy for openshift authz RunLegacyLocalRoleBindingEndpoint should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] RBAC proxy for openshift authz RunLegacyLocalRoleEndpoint should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] The default cluster RBAC policy should have correct RBAC rules [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] authorization TestAuthorizationSubjectAccessReview should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] authorization TestAuthorizationSubjectAccessReviewAPIGroup should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] authorization TestBrowserSafeAuthorizer should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] authorization TestClusterReaderCoverage should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] scopes TestScopeEscalations should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] scopes TestScopedImpersonation should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] scopes TestScopedTokens should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] scopes TestTokensWithIllegalScopes should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] scopes TestUnknownScopes should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] self-SAR compatibility TestBootstrapPolicySelfSubjectAccessReviews should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] self-SAR compatibility TestSelfSubjectAccessReviewsNonExistingNamespace should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:ProjectAPI] TestInvalidRoleRefs should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:ProjectAPI] TestProjectIsNamespace should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:ProjectAPI] TestProjectWatch should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:ProjectAPI] TestProjectWatchWithSelectionPredicate should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:ProjectAPI] TestScopedProjectAccess should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:ProjectAPI] TestUnprivilegedNewProject [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:RoleBindingRestrictions] RoleBindingRestrictions should be functional Create a RBAC rolebinding when subject is not already bound and is not permitted by any RBR should fail [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:RoleBindingRestrictions] RoleBindingRestrictions should be functional Create a rolebinding that also contains system:non-existing users should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:RoleBindingRestrictions] RoleBindingRestrictions should be functional Create a rolebinding when subject is already bound should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:RoleBindingRestrictions] RoleBindingRestrictions should be functional Create a rolebinding when subject is not already bound and is not permitted by any RBR should fail [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:RoleBindingRestrictions] RoleBindingRestrictions should be functional Create a rolebinding when subject is permitted by RBR should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:RoleBindingRestrictions] RoleBindingRestrictions should be functional Create a rolebinding when there are no restrictions should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:RoleBindingRestrictions] RoleBindingRestrictions should be functional Rolebinding restrictions tests single project should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:SecurityContextConstraints] TestAllowedSCCViaRBAC [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:SecurityContextConstraints] TestPodUpdateSCCEnforcement [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:UserAPI] groups should work [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:UserAPI] users can manipulate groups [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-autoscaling] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Metrics from Stackdriver) should scale down with Custom Metric of type Object from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling] [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-autoscaling] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Metrics from Stackdriver) should scale down with Custom Metric of type Pod from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling] [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-autoscaling] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Metrics from Stackdriver) should scale down with Custom Metric of type Pod from Stackdriver with Prometheus [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling] [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-autoscaling] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Metrics from Stackdriver) should scale down with External Metric with target average value from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling] [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-autoscaling] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Metrics from Stackdriver) should scale down with External Metric with target value from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling] [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-autoscaling] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Metrics from Stackdriver) should scale up with two External metrics from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling] [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-autoscaling] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Metrics from Stackdriver) should scale up with two metrics of type Pod from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling] [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] Multi-stage image builds should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] Optimized image builds should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] build can reference a cluster service with a build being created from new-build should be able to run a build that references a cluster service [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] build have source revision metadata started build should contain source revision information [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] build with empty source started build should build even with an empty source in build config [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] build without output image building from templates should create an image from a S2i template without an output image reference defined [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] build without output image building from templates should create an image from a docker template without an output image reference defined [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] buildconfig secret injector should inject secrets to the appropriate buildconfigs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] custom build with buildah being created from new-build should complete build with custom builder image [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] forcePull should affect pulling builder images ForcePull test case execution custom [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] forcePull should affect pulling builder images ForcePull test case execution docker [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] forcePull should affect pulling builder images ForcePull test case execution s2i [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] imagechangetriggers imagechangetriggers should trigger builds of all types [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] oc new-app should fail with a --name longer than 58 characters [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] oc new-app should succeed with a --name of 58 characters [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] oc new-app should succeed with an imagestream [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] prune builds based on settings in the buildconfig buildconfigs should have a default history limit set when created via the group api [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] prune builds based on settings in the buildconfig should prune builds after a buildConfig change [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] prune builds based on settings in the buildconfig should prune canceled builds based on the failedBuildsHistoryLimit setting [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] prune builds based on settings in the buildconfig should prune completed builds based on the successfulBuildsHistoryLimit setting [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] prune builds based on settings in the buildconfig should prune errored builds based on the failedBuildsHistoryLimit setting [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] prune builds based on settings in the buildconfig should prune failed builds based on the failedBuildsHistoryLimit setting [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] remove all builds when build configuration is removed oc delete buildconfig should start builds and delete the buildconfig [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] result image should have proper labels set Docker build from a template should create a image from \"test-docker-build.json\" template with proper Docker labels [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] result image should have proper labels set S2I build from a template should create a image from \"test-s2i-build.json\" template with proper Docker labels [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] s2i build with a quota Building from a template should create an s2i build with a quota and run it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] s2i build with a root user image should create a root build and fail without a privileged SCC [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] s2i build with a root user image should create a root build and pass with a privileged SCC [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][pullsecret] docker build using a pull secret Building from a template should create a docker build that pulls using a secret run it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][timing] capture build stages and durations should record build stages and durations for docker [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][timing] capture build stages and durations should record build stages and durations for s2i [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][valueFrom] process valueFrom in build strategy environment variables should fail resolving unresolvable valueFrom in docker build environment variable references [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][valueFrom] process valueFrom in build strategy environment variables should fail resolving unresolvable valueFrom in sti build environment variable references [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][valueFrom] process valueFrom in build strategy environment variables should successfully resolve valueFrom in docker build environment variables [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][valueFrom] process valueFrom in build strategy environment variables should successfully resolve valueFrom in s2i build environment variables [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][webhook] TestWebhook [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][webhook] TestWebhookGitHubPing [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][webhook] TestWebhookGitHubPushWithImage [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][webhook] TestWebhookGitHubPushWithImageStream [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] CLI can run inside of a busybox container [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on should support forwarding over websockets [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on that expects NO client request should support a client that connects, sends DATA, and disconnects [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on that expects a client request should support a client that connects, sends DATA, and disconnects [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on that expects a client request should support a client that connects, sends NO DATA, and disconnects [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on localhost should support forwarding over websockets [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on localhost that expects NO client request should support a client that connects, sends DATA, and disconnects [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on localhost that expects a client request should support a client that connects, sends DATA, and disconnects [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on localhost that expects a client request should support a client that connects, sends NO DATA, and disconnects [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl api-versions should check if v1 is in available api versions [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl apply apply set/view last-applied [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl apply should apply a new configuration to an existing RC [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl apply should reuse port when apply to an existing SVC [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl client-side validation should create/apply a CR with unknown fields for CRD with no validation schema [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl client-side validation should create/apply a valid CR for CRD with validation schema [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl client-side validation should create/apply a valid CR with arbitrary-extra properties for CRD with partially-specified validation schema [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl cluster-info dump should check if cluster-info dump succeeds [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl copy should copy a file from a running Pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl create quota should create a quota with scopes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl create quota should create a quota without scopes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl create quota should reject quota with invalid scopes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl describe should check if kubectl describe prints relevant information for cronjob [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl describe should check if kubectl describe prints relevant information for rc and pods [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl expose should create services for rc [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl get componentstatuses should get componentstatuses [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl label should update the label on a resource [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl patch should add annotations for pods in rc [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl version should check is all data is printed [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Proxy server should support --unix-socket=/path [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Proxy server should support proxy with --port 0 [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Simple pod should return command exit codes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Simple pod should support exec [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Simple pod should support exec through an HTTP proxy [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Simple pod should support exec through kubectl proxy [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Simple pod should support exec using resource/name [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Simple pod should support port-forward [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Update Demo should create and stop a replication controller [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Update Demo should scale a replication controller [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] oc adm must-gather runs successfully [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm must-gather runs successfully with options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm oc adm node-logs --boot=0 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm oc adm node-logs --role=master --since=-2m [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm oc adm node-logs --since=-2m --until=-1m [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm oc adm node-logs --since= --until=-1m [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm oc adm node-logs --tail=5 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm oc adm node-logs --unit=kubelet --since=-1m [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm oc adm node-logs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc explain networking types when using openshift-sdn should contain proper fields description for special networking types [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc explain should contain proper fields description for special types [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc explain should contain proper spec+status for CRDs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc explain should contain spec+status for builtinTypes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc rsh rsh specific flags should work well when access to a remote shell [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cluster-lifecycle] CSRs from machines that are not recognized by the cloud provider are not approved [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cluster-lifecycle] Pods cannot access the /config/master API endpoint [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cluster-lifecycle][Feature:Machines] Managed cluster should have machine resources [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:ImageEcosystem][mongodb] openshift mongodb image creating from a template should instantiate the template [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestAutomaticCreationOfPullSecrets [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestDockercfgTokenDeletedController [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] template-api TestTemplate [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] template-api TestTemplateTransformationFromConfig [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance creation with invalid object reports error should report a failure on creation [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance cross-namespace test should create and delete objects across namespaces [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance impersonation tests should pass impersonation creation tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance impersonation tests should pass impersonation deletion tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance impersonation tests should pass impersonation update tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance object kinds test should create and delete objects from varying API groups [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance readiness test should report failed soon after an annotated objects has failed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance readiness test should report ready soon after all annotated objects are ready [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance security tests should pass security tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateservicebroker bind test should pass bind tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateservicebroker end-to-end test should pass an end-to-end test [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateservicebroker security test should pass security tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-etcd] etcd leader changes are not excessive [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageAppend] Image append should create images by appending them [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageExtract] Image extract should extract content from an image [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageInfo] Image info should display information about images [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageLayers] Image layer subresource should identify a deleted image as missing [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageLayers] Image layer subresource should return layers from tagged images [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageLookup] Image policy should perform lookup when the Deployment gets the resolve-names annotation later [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageLookup] Image policy should perform lookup when the object has the resolve-names annotation [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageLookup] Image policy should update standard Kube object image fields when local names are on [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Annotation trigger reconciles after the image is overwritten [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Image change build triggers TestMultipleImageChangeBuildTriggers [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Image change build triggers TestSimpleImageChangeBuildTriggerFromImageStreamTagCustom [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Image change build triggers TestSimpleImageChangeBuildTriggerFromImageStreamTagCustomWithConfigChange [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Image change build triggers TestSimpleImageChangeBuildTriggerFromImageStreamTagDocker [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Image change build triggers TestSimpleImageChangeBuildTriggerFromImageStreamTagDockerWithConfigChange [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Image change build triggers TestSimpleImageChangeBuildTriggerFromImageStreamTagSTI [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Image change build triggers TestSimpleImageChangeBuildTriggerFromImageStreamTagSTIWithConfigChange [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:Image] oc tag should change image reference for internal images [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:Image] oc tag should preserve image reference for external images [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:Image] oc tag should work when only imagestreams api is available [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:Image] signature TestImageAddSignature [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:Image] signature TestImageRemoveSignature [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] MetricsGrabber should grab all metrics from API server. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-instrumentation] MetricsGrabber should grab all metrics from a ControllerManager. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-instrumentation] MetricsGrabber should grab all metrics from a Kubelet. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-instrumentation] MetricsGrabber should grab all metrics from a Scheduler. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should have a AlertmanagerReceiversNotConfigured alert in firing state [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should have important platform topology metrics [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should have non-Pod host cAdvisor metrics [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should provide ingress metrics [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should report telemetry if a cloud.openshift.com token is present [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should start and expose a secured proxy and unsecured metrics [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster shouldn't have failing rules evaluation [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster shouldn't report any alerts in firing state apart from Watchdog and AlertmanagerReceiversNotConfigured [Early] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster when using openshift-sdn should be able to get the sdn ovs flows [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation][Late] Alerts should have a Watchdog alert in firing state the entire cluster run [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation][Late] Alerts shouldn't exceed the 500 series limit of total series sent via telemetry from each cluster [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation][Late] Alerts shouldn't report any alerts in firing state apart from Watchdog and AlertmanagerReceiversNotConfigured [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation][sig-builds][Feature:Builds] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should start and expose a secured proxy and verify build metrics [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network-edge][Conformance][Area:Networking][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should pass the gRPC interoperability tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal]" "[sig-network-edge][Conformance][Area:Networking][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should pass the h2spec conformance tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal]" "[sig-network-edge][Conformance][Area:Networking][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should pass the http2 tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal]" "[sig-network] DNS should provide /etc/hosts entries for the cluster [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for ExternalName services [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for pods for Hostname [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for pods for Subdomain [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for services [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for the cluster [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for the cluster [Provider:GCE] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should resolve DNS of partial qualified names for services [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should resolve DNS of partial qualified names for the cluster [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should support configurable pod DNS nameservers [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should support configurable pod resolv.conf [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] EndpointSlice [Feature:EndpointSlice] version v1 should create Endpoints and EndpointSlices for Pods matching a Service [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] IngressClass [Feature:Ingress] should not set default value if no default IngressClass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Internal connectivity for TCP and UDP on ports 9000-9999 is allowed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should allow ingress access from updated namespace [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should allow ingress access from updated pod [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should deny ingress access to updated pod [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce multiple ingress policies with ingress allow-all policy taking precedence [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce multiple, stacked policies with overlapping podSelectors [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on NamespaceSelector with MatchExpressions[Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on PodSelector and NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on PodSelector or NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on PodSelector with MatchExpressions[Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on Ports [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy to allow traffic from pods within server namespace based on PodSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy to allow traffic only from a different namespace, based on NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy to allow traffic only from a pod in a different namespace based on PodSelector and NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce updated policy [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should stop enforcing policies after they are deleted [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should support a 'default-deny' policy [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should support allow-all policy [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Pods should function for intra-pod communication: http [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Pods should function for intra-pod communication: udp [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Pods should function for node-pod communication: http [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Pods should function for node-pod communication: udp [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should be able to handle large requests: http [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should be able to handle large requests: udp [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for client IP based session affinity: http [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for client IP based session affinity: udp [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for endpoint-Service: http [Skipped:ovirt] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for endpoint-Service: udp [Skipped:ovirt] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for node-Service: http [Skipped:ovirt] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for node-Service: udp [Skipped:ovirt] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for pod-Service: http [Skipped:ovirt] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for pod-Service: udp [Skipped:ovirt] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should update endpoints: http [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should update endpoints: udp [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking should provide Internet connection for containers [Feature:Networking-IPv4] [Skipped:azure] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Proxy version v1 should proxy logs on node using proxy subresource [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Proxy version v1 should proxy logs on node with explicit kubelet port using proxy subresource [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Proxy version v1 should proxy through a service and a pod [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should allow pods to hairpin back to themselves through services [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to change the type from ClusterIP to ExternalName [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to change the type from ExternalName to ClusterIP [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to change the type from ExternalName to NodePort [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to change the type from NodePort to ExternalName [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to create a functioning NodePort service [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to switch session affinity for NodePort service [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to switch session affinity for service with type clusterIP [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to update service type to NodePort listening on same port number but different protocols [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be rejected when no endpoints exist [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should check NodePort out-of-range [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should create endpoints for unready pods [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should find a service from listing all namespaces [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should have session affinity timeout work for NodePort service [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should have session affinity timeout work for service with type clusterIP [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should have session affinity work for NodePort service [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should have session affinity work for service with type clusterIP [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should preserve source pod IP for traffic thru service cluster IP [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should prevent NodePort collisions [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should provide secure master service [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should release NodePorts on delete [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should serve a basic endpoint from pods [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should serve multiport endpoints from pods [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] multicast when using one of the plugins 'redhat/openshift-ovs-multitenant, redhat/openshift-ovs-networkpolicy' should allow multicast traffic in namespaces where it is enabled [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] multicast when using one of the plugins 'redhat/openshift-ovs-multitenant, redhat/openshift-ovs-networkpolicy' should block multicast traffic in namespaces where it is disabled [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] multicast when using one of the plugins 'redhat/openshift-ovs-subnet' should block multicast traffic [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that does not isolate namespaces by default should allow communication between pods in different namespaces on different nodes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that does not isolate namespaces by default should allow communication between pods in different namespaces on the same node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow communication from default to non-default namespace on a different node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow communication from default to non-default namespace on the same node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow communication from non-default to default namespace on a different node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow communication from non-default to default namespace on the same node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should prevent communication between pods in different namespaces on different nodes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should prevent communication between pods in different namespaces on the same node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services basic functionality should allow connections to another pod on a different node via a service IP [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services basic functionality should allow connections to another pod on the same node via a service IP [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that does not isolate namespaces by default should allow connections to pods in different namespaces on different nodes via service IPs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that does not isolate namespaces by default should allow connections to pods in different namespaces on the same node via service IPs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow connections from pods in the default namespace to a service in another namespace on a different node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow connections from pods in the default namespace to a service in another namespace on the same node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow connections to services in the default namespace from a pod in another namespace on a different node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow connections to services in the default namespace from a pod in another namespace on the same node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should prevent connections to pods in different namespaces on different nodes via service IPs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should prevent connections to pods in different namespaces on the same node via service IPs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router converges when multiple routers are writing conflicting status [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router converges when multiple routers are writing status [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should enable openshift-monitoring to pull metrics [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should expose a health check on the metrics port [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should expose prometheus metrics for a route [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should expose the profiling endpoints [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should override the route host for overridden domains with a custom value [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should override the route host with a custom value [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should respond with 503 to unrecognized hosts [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should run even if it has no access to update status [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should serve a route that points to two services and respect weights [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should serve routes that were created from an ingress [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should serve the correct routes when running with the haproxy config manager [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should serve the correct routes when scoped to a single namespace and label set [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should set Forwarded headers appropriately [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should support reencrypt to services backed by a serving certificate automatically [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][endpoints] admission TestEndpointAdmission [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-node] ConfigMap should be consumable via environment variable [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] ConfigMap should be consumable via the environment [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] ConfigMap should fail to create ConfigMap with empty key [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] ConfigMap should run through a ConfigMap lifecycle [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] ConfigMap should update ConfigMap successfully [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] Downward API should provide container's limits.cpu/memory and requests.cpu/memory as env vars [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] Downward API should provide default limits.cpu/memory from node allocatable [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] Downward API should provide host IP and pod IP as an env var if pod uses host network [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] Downward API should provide host IP as an env var [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] Downward API should provide pod UID as env vars [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] Downward API should provide pod name, namespace and IP address as env vars [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-operator] OLM should Implement packages API server and list packagemanifest info with namespace not NULL [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] OLM should be installed with catalogsources at version v1alpha1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] OLM should be installed with clusterserviceversions at version v1alpha1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] OLM should be installed with installplans at version v1alpha1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] OLM should be installed with operatorgroups at version v1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] OLM should be installed with packagemanifests at version v1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] OLM should be installed with subscriptions at version v1alpha1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] OLM should have imagePullPolicy:IfNotPresent on thier deployments [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] an end user use OLM Report Upgradeable in OLM ClusterOperators status [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] an end user use OLM can subscribe to the cockroachdb operator [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-scheduling] LimitRange should create a LimitRange with defaults and ensure pod has those defaults applied. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-scheduling] Multi-AZ Cluster Volumes [sig-storage] should only be allowed to provision PDs in zones where nodes exist [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-scheduling] Multi-AZ Cluster Volumes [sig-storage] should schedule pods in the same zones as statically provisioned PVs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-service-catalog] [Feature:PodPreset] PodPreset should create a pod preset [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-service-catalog] [Feature:PodPreset] PodPreset should not modify the pod on conflict [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic Snapshot] snapshottable should create snapshot with defaults [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: inline ephemeral CSI volume] ephemeral should create read-only inline ephemeral volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: inline ephemeral CSI volume] ephemeral should create read/write inline ephemeral volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: inline ephemeral CSI volume] ephemeral should support multiple inline ephemeral volumes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: inline ephemeral CSI volume] ephemeral should support two pods which share the same volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI Volume expansion should expand volume by restarting pod if attach=off, nodeExpansion=on [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI Volume expansion should expand volume by restarting pod if attach=on, nodeExpansion=on [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI Volume expansion should expand volume without restarting pod if nodeExpansion=off [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI Volume expansion should not expand volume if resizingOnDriver=off, resizingOnSC=on [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI attach test using mock driver should not require VolumeAttach for drivers without attachment [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI attach test using mock driver should preserve attachment policy when no CSIDriver present [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI attach test using mock driver should require VolumeAttach for drivers with attachment [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI online volume expansion should expand volume without restarting pod if attach=off, nodeExpansion=on [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI online volume expansion should expand volume without restarting pod if attach=on, nodeExpansion=on [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver contain ephemeral=true when using inline volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should be passed when podInfoOnMount=true [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should not be passed when CSIDriver does not exist [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should not be passed when podInfoOnMount=false [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should not be passed when podInfoOnMount=nil [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap binary data should be reflected in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap optional updates should be reflected in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with FSGroup [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with defaultMode and fsGroup set [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume with defaultMode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings and Item mode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings as non-root [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings as non-root with FSGroup [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable in multiple volumes in the same pod [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap updates should be reflected in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide container's cpu limit [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide container's cpu request [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide container's memory limit [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide container's memory request [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide node allocatable (cpu) as default cpu limit if the limit is not set [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide node allocatable (memory) as default memory limit if the limit is not set [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide podname as non-root with fsgroup [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide podname as non-root with fsgroup and defaultMode [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide podname only [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should set DefaultMode on files [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should set mode on item file [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should update annotations on modification [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should update labels on modification [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Dynamic Provisioning Invalid AWS KMS key should report an error and create no PV [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Dynamic Provisioning [k8s.io] GlusterDynamicProvisioner should create and delete persistent volumes [fast] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes pod should support shared volumes between containers [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0644,default) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0644,tmpfs) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0666,default) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0666,tmpfs) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0777,default) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0777,tmpfs) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0644,default) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0644,tmpfs) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0666,default) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0666,tmpfs) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0777,default) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0777,tmpfs) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes volume on default medium should have the correct mode [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes volume on tmpfs should have the correct mode [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] files with FSGroup ownership should support (root,0644,tmpfs) [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] new files should be created with FSGroup ownership when container is non-root [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] new files should be created with FSGroup ownership when container is root [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] nonexistent volume subPath should have the correct mode and owner using FSGroup [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] volume on default medium should have the correct mode using FSGroup [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] volume on tmpfs should have the correct mode using FSGroup [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir wrapper volumes should not conflict [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Ephemeralstorage When pod refers to non-existent ephemeral storage should allow deletion of pod with invalid volume : configmap [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Ephemeralstorage When pod refers to non-existent ephemeral storage should allow deletion of pod with invalid volume : projected [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Ephemeralstorage When pod refers to non-existent ephemeral storage should allow deletion of pod with invalid volume : secret [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Flexvolumes should be mountable when attachable [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Flexvolumes should be mountable when non-attachable [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] GCP Volumes GlusterFS should be mountable [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] GCP Volumes NFSv3 should be mountable for NFSv3 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] GCP Volumes NFSv4 should be mountable for NFSv4 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] HostPath should give a volume the correct mode [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] HostPath should support r/w [NodeConformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] HostPath should support subPath [NodeConformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Mounted volume expand Should verify mounted devices can be resized [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PV Protection Verify \"immediate\" deletion of a PV that is not bound to a PVC [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PV Protection Verify that PV bound to a PVC is not removed immediately [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PVC Protection Verify \"immediate\" deletion of a PVC that is not in active use by a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PVC Protection Verify that PVC in active use by a pod is not removed immediately [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PVC Protection Verify that scheduling of a pod that uses PVC that is being deleted fails and the pod becomes Unschedulable [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes GCEPD should test that deleting a PVC before the pod does not cause pod deletion to fail on PD detach [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes GCEPD should test that deleting the PV before the pod does not cause pod deletion to fail on PD detach [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes NFS when invoking the Recycle reclaim policy should test that a PV becomes Available and is clean after the PVC is deleted. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes NFS with Single PV - PVC pairs create a PV and a pre-bound PVC: test write access [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes NFS with Single PV - PVC pairs create a PVC and a pre-bound PV: test write access [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes NFS with Single PV - PVC pairs create a PVC and non-pre-bound PV: test write access [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes NFS with Single PV - PVC pairs should create a non-pre-bound PV and PVC: test write access [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes NFS with multiple PVs and PVCs all in same ns should create 2 PVs and 4 PVCs: test write access [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes NFS with multiple PVs and PVCs all in same ns should create 3 PVs and 3 PVCs: test write access [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes [Feature:vsphere][Feature:LabelSelector] [sig-storage] Selector-Label Volume Binding:vsphere [Feature:vsphere] should bind volume with claim for given label [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes [Feature:vsphere][Feature:ReclaimPolicy] [sig-storage] persistentvolumereclaim:vsphere [Feature:vsphere] should delete persistent volume when reclaimPolicy set to delete and associated claim is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes [Feature:vsphere][Feature:ReclaimPolicy] [sig-storage] persistentvolumereclaim:vsphere [Feature:vsphere] should not detach and unmount PV when associated pvc with delete as reclaimPolicy is deleted when it is in use by the pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes [Feature:vsphere][Feature:ReclaimPolicy] [sig-storage] persistentvolumereclaim:vsphere [Feature:vsphere] should retain persistent volume when reclaimPolicy set to retain when associated claim is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local Pod with node different from PV's NodeAffinity should fail scheduling due to different NodeAffinity [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local Pod with node different from PV's NodeAffinity should fail scheduling due to different NodeSelector [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: block] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: block] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: block] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: block] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: block] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithformat] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithformat] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithformat] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithformat] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithformat] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithoutformat] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithoutformat] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithoutformat] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithoutformat] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithoutformat] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-bindmounted] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-bindmounted] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-bindmounted] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-bindmounted] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-bindmounted] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link-bindmounted] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link-bindmounted] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link-bindmounted] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link-bindmounted] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link-bindmounted] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: tmpfs] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: tmpfs] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: tmpfs] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: tmpfs] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: tmpfs] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes:vsphere [Feature:vsphere] should test that deleting a PVC before the pod does not cause pod deletion to fail on vsphere volume detach [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes:vsphere [Feature:vsphere] should test that deleting the Namespace of a PVC and Pod causes the successful detach of vsphere volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes:vsphere [Feature:vsphere] should test that deleting the PV before the pod does not cause pod deletion to fail on vspehre volume detach [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Pod Disks should be able to delete a non-existent PD without error [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected combined should project all components that make up the projection API [Projection][NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap optional updates should be reflected in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with FSGroup [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with defaultMode and fsGroup set [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume with defaultMode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings and Item mode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings as non-root [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings as non-root with FSGroup [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable in multiple volumes in the same pod [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap updates should be reflected in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide container's cpu limit [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide container's cpu request [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide container's memory limit [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide container's memory request [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide node allocatable (cpu) as default cpu limit if the limit is not set [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide node allocatable (memory) as default memory limit if the limit is not set [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide podname as non-root with fsgroup [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide podname as non-root with fsgroup and defaultMode [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide podname only [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should set DefaultMode on files [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should set mode on item file [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should update annotations on modification [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should update labels on modification [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret optional updates should be reflected in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret should be able to mount in a volume regardless of a different secret existing with same name in different namespace [NodeConformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret should be consumable from pods in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with defaultMode and fsGroup set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret should be consumable from pods in volume with defaultMode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings and Item Mode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret should be consumable in multiple volumes in a pod [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets optional updates should be reflected in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets should be able to mount in a volume regardless of a different secret existing with same name in different namespace [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets should be consumable from pods in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with defaultMode and fsGroup set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets should be consumable from pods in volume with defaultMode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings and Item Mode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets should be consumable in multiple volumes in a pod [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with invalid capability name objectSpaceReserve is not honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with invalid diskStripes value is not honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with invalid hostFailuresToTolerate value is not honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with non-vsan datastore is not honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with valid diskStripes and objectSpaceReservation values and a VSAN datastore is honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with valid diskStripes and objectSpaceReservation values is honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with valid hostFailuresToTolerate and cacheReservation values is honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with valid objectSpaceReservation and iopsLimit values is honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify an existing and compatible SPBM policy is honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify an if a SPBM policy and VSAN capabilities cannot be honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify clean up of stale dummy VM for dynamically provisioned pvc using SPBM policy [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify if a SPBM policy is not honored on a non-compatible datastore for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify if a non-existing SPBM policy is not honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Subpath Atomic writer volumes should support subpaths with configmap pod [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Subpath Atomic writer volumes should support subpaths with configmap pod with mountPath of existing file [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Subpath Atomic writer volumes should support subpaths with downward pod [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Subpath Atomic writer volumes should support subpaths with projected pod [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Subpath Atomic writer volumes should support subpaths with secret pod [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Disk Format [Feature:vsphere] verify disk format type - eagerzeroedthick is honored for dynamically provisioned pv using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Disk Format [Feature:vsphere] verify disk format type - thin is honored for dynamically provisioned pv using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Disk Format [Feature:vsphere] verify disk format type - zeroedthick is honored for dynamically provisioned pv using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Disk Size [Feature:vsphere] verify dynamically provisioned pv has size rounded up correctly [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume FStype [Feature:vsphere] verify fstype - default value should be ext4 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume FStype [Feature:vsphere] verify fstype - ext3 formatted volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume FStype [Feature:vsphere] verify invalid fstype [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Operations Storm [Feature:vsphere] should create pod with many volumes and verify no attach call fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Placement [Feature:vsphere] should create and delete pod with multiple volumes from different datastore [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Placement [Feature:vsphere] should create and delete pod with multiple volumes from same datastore [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Placement [Feature:vsphere] should create and delete pod with the same volume source attach/detach to different worker nodes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Placement [Feature:vsphere] should create and delete pod with the same volume source on the same worker node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Placement [Feature:vsphere] test back to back pod creation and deletion with different volume sources on the same worker node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Provisioning On Clustered Datastore [Feature:vsphere] verify dynamic provision with default parameter on clustered datastore [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Provisioning On Clustered Datastore [Feature:vsphere] verify dynamic provision with spbm policy on clustered datastore [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Provisioning On Clustered Datastore [Feature:vsphere] verify static provisioning on clustered datastore [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Provisioning on Datastore [Feature:vsphere] verify dynamically provisioned pv using storageclass fails on an invalid datastore [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume limits should verify that all nodes have volume limits [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volumes ConfigMap should be mountable [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation fails if no zones are specified in the storage class (No shared datastores exist among all the nodes) [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation fails if only datastore is specified in the storage class (No shared datastores exist among all the nodes) [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation fails if only storage policy is specified in the storage class (No shared datastores exist among all the nodes) [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation fails if the availability zone specified in the storage class have no shared datastores under it. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation with an invalid VSAN capability along with a compatible zone combination specified in storage class fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation with compatible policy and datastore without any zones specified in the storage class fails (No shared datastores exist among all the nodes) [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation with incompatible datastore and zone combination specified in storage class fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation with incompatible storage policy along with compatible zone and datastore combination specified in storage class fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation with incompatible storagePolicy and zone combination specified in storage class fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation with incompatible zone along with compatible storagePolicy and datastore combination specified in storage class fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation with invalid zone specified in storage class fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a PVC creation fails when multiple zones are specified in the storage class without shared datastores among the zones in waitForFirstConsumer binding mode [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod fails to get scheduled when conflicting volume topology (allowedTopologies) and pod scheduling constraints(nodeSelector) are specified [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV with storage policy specified in storage class in waitForFirstConsumer binding mode [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV with storage policy specified in storage class in waitForFirstConsumer binding mode with allowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV with storage policy specified in storage class in waitForFirstConsumer binding mode with multiple allowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on a VSAN capability, datastore and compatible zone specified in storage class [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on allowed zones specified in storage class [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on multiple zones specified in storage class [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on multiple zones specified in the storage class. (No shared datastores exist among both zones) [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on the allowed zones and datastore specified in storage class [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on the allowed zones and datastore specified in storage class when there are multiple datastores with the same name under different zones across datacenters [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on the allowed zones and storage policy specified in storage class [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on the allowed zones specified in storage class when the datastore under the zone is present in another datacenter [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on the allowed zones, datastore and storage policy specified in storage class [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created on a non-Workspace zone and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on the allowed zones and storage policy specified in storage class [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify dynamically created pv with allowed zones specified in storage class, shows the right zone information on its labels [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify dynamically created pv with multiple zones specified in the storage class, shows both the zones on its labels [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] vcp at scale [Feature:vsphere] vsphere scale tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] vcp-performance [Feature:vsphere] vcp performance tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] vsphere cloud provider stress [Feature:vsphere] vsphere stress tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] vsphere statefulset [Feature:vsphere] vsphere statefulset testing [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart exec hook properly [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute poststart http hook properly [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute prestop exec hook properly [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Lifecycle Hook when create a pod with lifecycle hook should execute prestop http hook properly [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test on terminated container should report termination message [LinuxOnly] as empty when pod succeeds and TerminationMessagePolicy FallbackToLogsOnError is set [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test on terminated container should report termination message [LinuxOnly] from file when pod succeeds and TerminationMessagePolicy FallbackToLogsOnError is set [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test on terminated container should report termination message [LinuxOnly] from log output if TerminationMessagePolicy FallbackToLogsOnError is set [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test on terminated container should report termination message [LinuxOnly] if TerminationMessagePath is set [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test on terminated container should report termination message [LinuxOnly] if TerminationMessagePath is set as non-root user and at a non-default path [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test when running a container with a new image should be able to pull from private registry with secret [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test when running a container with a new image should be able to pull image [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test when running a container with a new image should not be able to pull from private registry without secret [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test when running a container with a new image should not be able to pull image from invalid registry [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Container Runtime blackbox test when starting a container that exits should run with the expected status [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Docker Containers should be able to override the image's default arguments (docker cmd) [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Docker Containers should be able to override the image's default command (docker entrypoint) [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Docker Containers should be able to override the image's default command and arguments [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Docker Containers should use the image defaults if command and args are blank [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] GKE local SSD [Feature:GKELocalSSD] should write and read from node local SSD [Feature:GKELocalSSD] [sig-arch] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] GKE node pools [Feature:GKENodePool] should create a cluster with multiple node pools [Feature:GKENodePool] [sig-arch] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] InitContainer [NodeConformance] should invoke init containers on a RestartAlways pod [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] InitContainer [NodeConformance] should invoke init containers on a RestartNever pod [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] InitContainer [NodeConformance] should not start app containers and fail the pod if init containers fail on a RestartNever pod [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] InitContainer [NodeConformance] should not start app containers if init containers fail on a RestartAlways pod [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a busybox Pod with hostAliases should write entries to /etc/hosts [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a busybox command in a pod should print the output to logs [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a busybox command that always fails in a pod should be possible to delete [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a busybox command that always fails in a pod should have an terminated reason [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Kubelet when scheduling a read only busybox container should not write to root filesystem [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] KubeletManagedEtcHosts should test kubelet managed /etc/hosts file [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Lease lease API should be available [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] NodeLease when the NodeLease feature is enabled should have OwnerReferences set [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] NodeLease when the NodeLease feature is enabled the kubelet should create and update a lease in the kube-node-lease namespace [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] NodeLease when the NodeLease feature is enabled the kubelet should report node status infrequently [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should allow activeDeadlineSeconds to be updated [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should be submitted and removed [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should be updated [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should contain environment variables for services [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should get a host IP [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should support pod readiness gates [NodeFeature:PodReadinessGate] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should support remote command execution over websockets [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Pods should support retrieving logs from the container over websockets [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] PrivilegedPod [NodeConformance] should enable privileged commands [LinuxOnly] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should *not* be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should *not* be restarted with a exec \"cat /tmp/health\" liveness probe [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should *not* be restarted with a non-local redirect http liveness probe [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should *not* be restarted with a tcp:8080 liveness probe [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should be restarted with a docker exec liveness probe with timeout [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should be restarted with a exec \"cat /tmp/health\" liveness probe [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should be restarted with a local redirect http liveness probe [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container should have monotonically increasing restart count [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container with readiness probe should not be ready before initial delay and never restart [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Probing container with readiness probe that fails should never be ready and never restart [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a container with runAsNonRoot should not run with an explicit root user ID [LinuxOnly] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a container with runAsNonRoot should not run without a specified user ID [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a container with runAsNonRoot should run with an explicit non-root user ID [LinuxOnly] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a container with runAsNonRoot should run with an image specified user ID [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a container with runAsUser should run the container with uid 0 [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a container with runAsUser should run the container with uid 65534 [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a pod with privileged should run the container as privileged when true [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:HostAccess] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a pod with privileged should run the container as unprivileged when false [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a pod with readOnlyRootFilesystem should run the container with readonly rootfs when readOnlyRootFilesystem=true [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context When creating a pod with readOnlyRootFilesystem should run the container with writable rootfs when readOnlyRootFilesystem=false [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context when creating containers with AllowPrivilegeEscalation should allow privilege escalation when not explicitly set and uid != 0 [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context when creating containers with AllowPrivilegeEscalation should allow privilege escalation when true [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Security Context when creating containers with AllowPrivilegeEscalation should not allow privilege escalation when false [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Variable Expansion should allow composing env vars into new env vars [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Variable Expansion should allow substituting values in a container's args [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Variable Expansion should allow substituting values in a container's command [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] Variable Expansion should allow substituting values in a volume subpath [sig-storage] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [Feature:Example] [k8s.io] Downward API should create a pod that prints his name and namespace [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [Feature:Example] [k8s.io] Liveness liveness pods should be automatically restarted [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [Feature:Example] [k8s.io] Secret should create a pod that reads a secret [sig-node] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] AppArmor load AppArmor profiles can disable an AppArmor profile, using unconfined [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] AppArmor load AppArmor profiles should enforce an AppArmor profile [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Events should be sent by kubelets and the scheduler about pods scheduling and running [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Mount propagation should propagate mounts to the host [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Pods Extended [k8s.io] Delete Grace Period should be submitted and removed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Pods Extended [k8s.io] Pod Container Status should never report success for a pending container [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Pods Extended [k8s.io] Pods Set QOS Class should be set on Pods with matching resource requests and limits for memory and cpu [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] PreStop should call prestop when killing a pod [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support container.SecurityContext.RunAsUser And container.SecurityContext.RunAsGroup [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support container.SecurityContext.RunAsUser [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support pod.Spec.SecurityContext.RunAsUser And pod.Spec.SecurityContext.RunAsGroup [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support pod.Spec.SecurityContext.RunAsUser [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support pod.Spec.SecurityContext.SupplementalGroups [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support seccomp alpha runtime/default annotation [Feature:Seccomp] [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support seccomp alpha unconfined annotation on the container [Feature:Seccomp] [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support seccomp alpha unconfined annotation on the pod [Feature:Seccomp] [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] Security Context should support seccomp default which is unconfined [Feature:Seccomp] [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[k8s.io] [sig-node] crictl should be able to run crictl on the node [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] APIServer CR fields validation additionalCORSAllowedOrigins [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] listing mutating webhooks should work [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] listing validating webhooks should work [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] patching/updating a mutating webhook should work [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] patching/updating a validating webhook should work [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should be able to deny attaching pod [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should be able to deny custom resource creation, update and deletion [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should be able to deny pod and configmap creation [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should deny crd creation [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should honor timeout [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should include webhook resources in discovery documents [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should mutate configmap [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should mutate custom resource [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should mutate custom resource with different stored version [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should mutate custom resource with pruning [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should mutate pod and apply defaults after mutation [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should not be able to mutate or prevent deletion of webhook configuration objects [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] AdmissionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should unconditionally reject operations on fail closed webhook [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Aggregator Should be able to support the 1.17 Sample API Server using the current Aggregator [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceConversionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should be able to convert a non homogeneous list of CRs [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceConversionWebhook [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should be able to convert from CR v1 to CR v2 [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceDefinition Watch [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] CustomResourceDefinition Watch watch on custom resource definition objects [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceDefinition resources [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] Simple CustomResourceDefinition creating/deleting custom resource definition objects works [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceDefinition resources [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] Simple CustomResourceDefinition getting/updating/patching custom resource definition status sub-resource works [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceDefinition resources [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] Simple CustomResourceDefinition listing custom resource definition objects works [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceDefinition resources [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] custom resource defaulting for requests and from storage works [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourceDefinition resources [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] should include custom resource definition resources in discovery documents [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] removes definition from spec when one version gets changed to not be served [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] updates the published spec when one version gets renamed [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] works for CRD preserving unknown fields at the schema root [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] works for CRD preserving unknown fields in an embedded object [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] works for CRD with validation schema [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] works for CRD without validation schema [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] works for multiple CRDs of different groups [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] works for multiple CRDs of same group and version but different kinds [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] CustomResourcePublishOpenAPI [Privileged:ClusterAdmin] works for multiple CRDs of same group but different versions [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Discovery Custom resource should have storage version hash [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should delete RS created by deployment when not orphaning [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should delete jobs and pods created by cronjob [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should delete pods created by rc when not orphaning [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should keep the rc around until all its pods are deleted if the deleteOptions says so [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should not be blocked by dependency circle [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should not delete dependents that have both valid owner and owner that's waiting for dependents to be deleted [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should orphan RS created by deployment when deleteOptions.PropagationPolicy is Orphan [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should orphan pods created by rc if delete options say so [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should orphan pods created by rc if deleteOptions.OrphanDependents is nil [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should support cascading deletion of custom resources [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Garbage collector should support orphan deletion of custom resources [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Generated clientset should create pods, set the deletionTimestamp and deletionGracePeriodSeconds of the pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Generated clientset should create v1beta1 cronJobs, delete cronJobs, watch cronJobs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:PodPriority] should verify ResourceQuota's multiple priority class scope (quota set to pod count: 2) against 2 pods with same priority classes. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:PodPriority] should verify ResourceQuota's priority class scope (cpu, memory quota set) against a pod with same priority class. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:PodPriority] should verify ResourceQuota's priority class scope (quota set to pod count: 1) against 2 pods with different priority class. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:PodPriority] should verify ResourceQuota's priority class scope (quota set to pod count: 1) against 2 pods with same priority class. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:PodPriority] should verify ResourceQuota's priority class scope (quota set to pod count: 1) against a pod with different priority class (ScopeSelectorOpExists). [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:PodPriority] should verify ResourceQuota's priority class scope (quota set to pod count: 1) against a pod with different priority class (ScopeSelectorOpNotIn). [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:PodPriority] should verify ResourceQuota's priority class scope (quota set to pod count: 1) against a pod with same priority class. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:ScopeSelectors] should verify ResourceQuota with best effort scope using scope-selectors. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota [Feature:ScopeSelectors] should verify ResourceQuota with terminating scopes through scope selectors. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should be able to update and delete ResourceQuota. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a configMap. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a custom resource. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a persistent volume claim with a storage class. [sig-storage] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a persistent volume claim. [sig-storage] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a pod. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a replica set. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a replication controller. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a secret. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and capture the life of a service. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should create a ResourceQuota and ensure its status is promptly calculated. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should verify ResourceQuota with best effort scope. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] ResourceQuota should verify ResourceQuota with terminating scopes. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Secrets should be consumable from pods in env vars [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Secrets should be consumable via the environment [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Secrets should fail to create secret due to empty secret key [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Secrets should patch a secret [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Servers with support for API chunking should return chunks of results for list calls [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Servers with support for Table transformation should return a 406 for a backend which does not implement metadata [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Servers with support for Table transformation should return chunks of table results for list calls [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Servers with support for Table transformation should return generic metadata details across all namespaces for nodes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Servers with support for Table transformation should return pod details [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Watchers should be able to restart watching from the last resource version observed by the previous watch [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Watchers should be able to start watching from a specific resource version [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Watchers should observe add, update, and delete watch notifications on configmaps [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Watchers should observe an object deletion if it stops meeting the requirements of the selector [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] Watchers should receive events on concurrent watches in same order [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] client-go should negotiate watch and report errors with accept \"application/json\" [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] client-go should negotiate watch and report errors with accept \"application/json,application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf\" [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] client-go should negotiate watch and report errors with accept \"application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf\" [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery] client-go should negotiate watch and report errors with accept \"application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf,application/json\" [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-api-machinery][Feature:APIServer] TestTLSDefaults [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-api-machinery][Feature:APIServer] anonymous browsers should get a 403 from / [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-api-machinery][Feature:APIServer] authenticated browser should get a 200 from / [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-api-machinery][Feature:ClusterResourceQuota] Cluster resource quota should control resource limits across namespaces [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps] CronJob should delete failed finished jobs with limit of one job [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] CronJob should delete successful finished jobs with limit of one successful job [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] CronJob should not emit unexpected warnings [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] CronJob should remove from active list jobs that have been deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] CronJob should replace jobs when ReplaceConcurrent [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] CronJob should schedule multiple jobs concurrently [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment RecreateDeployment should delete old pods and create new ones [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment RollingUpdateDeployment should delete old pods and create new ones [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment deployment reaping should cascade to its replica sets and pods [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment deployment should delete old replica sets [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment deployment should support proportional scaling [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment deployment should support rollover [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment iterative rollouts should eventually progress [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment should not disrupt a cloud load-balancer's connectivity during rollout [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Deployment test Deployment ReplicaSet orphaning and adoption regarding controllerRef [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController Listing PodDisruptionBudgets for all namespaces should list and delete a collection of PodDisruptionBudgets [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController evictions: enough pods, absolute => should allow an eviction [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController evictions: enough pods, replicaSet, percentage => should allow an eviction [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController evictions: maxUnavailable allow single eviction, percentage => should allow an eviction [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController evictions: no PDB => should allow an eviction [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController evictions: too few pods, absolute => should not allow an eviction [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController should block an eviction until the PDB is updated to allow it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController should create a PodDisruptionBudget [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController should observe PodDisruptionBudget status updated [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] DisruptionController should update/patch PodDisruptionBudget status [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Job should adopt matching orphans and release non-matching pods [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Job should delete a job [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Job should fail to exceed backoffLimit [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Job should fail when exceeds active deadline [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Job should remove pods when job is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Job should run a job to completion when tasks sometimes fail and are locally restarted [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] Job should run a job to completion when tasks succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicaSet should adopt matching pods on creation and release no longer matching pods [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicaSet should serve a basic image on each replica with a private image [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicaSet should serve a basic image on each replica with a public image [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicaSet should surface a failure condition on a common issue like exceeded quota [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicationController should adopt matching pods on creation [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicationController should release no longer matching pods [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicationController should serve a basic image on each replica with a private image [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicationController should serve a basic image on each replica with a public image [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] ReplicationController should surface a failure condition on a common issue like exceeded quota [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] Should recreate evicted statefulset [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should adopt matching orphans and release non-matching pods [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should have a working scale subresource [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should implement legacy replacement when the update strategy is OnDelete [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should not deadlock when a pod's predecessor fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should perform canary updates and phased rolling updates of template modifications [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should perform rolling updates and roll backs of template modifications [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should perform rolling updates and roll backs of template modifications with PVCs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps] StatefulSet [k8s.io] Basic StatefulSet functionality [StatefulSetBasic] should provide basic identity [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs should adhere to Three Laws of Controllers [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs adoption will orphan all RCs and adopt them back when recreated [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs generation should deploy based on a status version bump [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs ignores deployer and lets the config with a NewReplicationControllerCreated reason should let the deployment config with a NewReplicationControllerCreated reason [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs initially should not deploy if pods never transition to ready [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs keep the deployer pod invariant valid should deal with cancellation after deployer pod succeeded [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs keep the deployer pod invariant valid should deal with cancellation of running deployment [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs keep the deployer pod invariant valid should deal with config change in case the deployment is still running [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs paused should disable actions on deployments [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs rolled back should rollback to an older deployment [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs should respect image stream tag reference policy resolve the image pull spec [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs viewing rollout history should print the rollout history [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs when changing image change trigger should successfully trigger from an updated image [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs when run iteratively should immediately start a new deployment [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs when run iteratively should only deploy the last deployment [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs when tagging images should successfully tag the deployed image [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with custom deployments should run the custom deployment steps [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with enhanced status should include various info in status [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with env in params referencing the configmap should expand the config map key to a value [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with failing hook should get all logs from retried hooks [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with minimum ready seconds set should not transition the deployment to Complete before satisfied [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with multiple image change triggers should run a successful deployment with a trigger used by different containers [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with multiple image change triggers should run a successful deployment with multiple triggers [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with revision history limits should never persist more old deployments than acceptable after being observed by the controller [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs with test deployments should run a deployment to completion and then scale to zero [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:DeploymentConfig] deploymentconfigs won't deploy RC with unresolved images when patched with empty image [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:Jobs] Users should be able to create and run a job in a user project [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestDeployScale [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestDeploymentConfigDefaults [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestTriggers_MultipleICTs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestTriggers_configChange [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestTriggers_imageChange [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestTriggers_imageChange_nonAutomatic [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-apps][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestTriggers_manual [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] ClusterOperators should define at least one namespace in their lists of related objects [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] ClusterOperators should define at least one related object that is not a namespace [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] Managed cluster should ensure control plane operators do not make themselves unevictable [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] Managed cluster should ensure control plane pods do not run in best-effort QoS [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] Managed cluster should ensure pods use downstream images from our release image with proper ImagePullPolicy [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] Managed cluster should have no crashlooping pods in core namespaces over two minutes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] Managed cluster should have operators on the cluster version [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch] Managed cluster should should expose cluster services outside the cluster [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-arch][Early] Managed cluster should start all core operators [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-architecture] PodTemplates should run the lifecycle of PodTemplates [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] Certificates API should support building a client with a CSR [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] Metadata Concealment should run a check-metadata-concealment job to completion [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] PodSecurityPolicy [Feature:PodSecurityPolicy] should allow pods under the privileged policy.PodSecurityPolicy [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] PodSecurityPolicy [Feature:PodSecurityPolicy] should enforce the restricted policy.PodSecurityPolicy [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] PodSecurityPolicy [Feature:PodSecurityPolicy] should forbid pod creation when no PSP is available [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] ServiceAccounts should allow opting out of API token automount [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthenticator] The kubelet can delegate ServiceAccount tokens to the API server [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthenticator] The kubelet's main port 10250 should reject requests with no credentials [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthorizer] A node shouldn't be able to create another node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthorizer] A node shouldn't be able to delete another node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthorizer] Getting a non-existent configmap should exit with the Forbidden error, not a NotFound error [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthorizer] Getting a non-existent secret should exit with the Forbidden error, not a NotFound error [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthorizer] Getting a secret for a workload the node has access to should succeed [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthorizer] Getting an existing configmap should exit with the Forbidden error [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth] [Feature:NodeAuthorizer] Getting an existing secret should exit with the Forbidden error [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-auth][Feature:Authentication] TestFrontProxy should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:HTPasswdAuth] HTPasswd IDP should successfully configure htpasswd and be responsive [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:LDAP] LDAP IDP should authenticate against an ldap server [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:LDAP] LDAP should start an OpenLDAP test server [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] ClientSecretWithPlus should create oauthclient [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] OAuth server has the correct token and certificate fallback semantics [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] OAuth server should use http1.1 only to prevent http2 connection reuse [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the authorize URL [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the grant URL [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the login URL for the allow all IDP [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the login URL for the bootstrap IDP [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the login URL for when there is only one IDP [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the logout URL [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the root URL [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the token URL [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Headers] expected headers returned from the token request URL [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Token Expiration] Using a OAuth client with a non-default token max age to generate tokens that do not expire works as expected when using a code authorization flow [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Token Expiration] Using a OAuth client with a non-default token max age to generate tokens that do not expire works as expected when using a token authorization flow [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Token Expiration] Using a OAuth client with a non-default token max age to generate tokens that expire shortly works as expected when using a code authorization flow [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] [Token Expiration] Using a OAuth client with a non-default token max age to generate tokens that expire shortly works as expected when using a token authorization flow [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OAuthServer] well-known endpoint should be reachable [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] RBAC proxy for openshift authz RunLegacyClusterRoleBindingEndpoint should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] RBAC proxy for openshift authz RunLegacyClusterRoleEndpoint should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] RBAC proxy for openshift authz RunLegacyEndpointConfirmNoEscalation should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] RBAC proxy for openshift authz RunLegacyLocalRoleBindingEndpoint should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] RBAC proxy for openshift authz RunLegacyLocalRoleEndpoint should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] The default cluster RBAC policy should have correct RBAC rules [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] authorization TestAuthorizationSubjectAccessReview should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] authorization TestAuthorizationSubjectAccessReviewAPIGroup should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] authorization TestBrowserSafeAuthorizer should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] authorization TestClusterReaderCoverage should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] scopes TestScopeEscalations should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] scopes TestScopedImpersonation should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] scopes TestScopedTokens should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] scopes TestTokensWithIllegalScopes should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] scopes TestUnknownScopes should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] self-SAR compatibility TestBootstrapPolicySelfSubjectAccessReviews should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:OpenShiftAuthorization] self-SAR compatibility TestSelfSubjectAccessReviewsNonExistingNamespace should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:ProjectAPI] TestInvalidRoleRefs should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:ProjectAPI] TestProjectIsNamespace should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:ProjectAPI] TestProjectWatch should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:ProjectAPI] TestProjectWatchWithSelectionPredicate should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:ProjectAPI] TestScopedProjectAccess should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:ProjectAPI] TestUnprivilegedNewProject [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:RoleBindingRestrictions] RoleBindingRestrictions should be functional Create a RBAC rolebinding when subject is not already bound and is not permitted by any RBR should fail [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:RoleBindingRestrictions] RoleBindingRestrictions should be functional Create a rolebinding that also contains system:non-existing users should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:RoleBindingRestrictions] RoleBindingRestrictions should be functional Create a rolebinding when subject is already bound should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:RoleBindingRestrictions] RoleBindingRestrictions should be functional Create a rolebinding when subject is not already bound and is not permitted by any RBR should fail [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:RoleBindingRestrictions] RoleBindingRestrictions should be functional Create a rolebinding when subject is permitted by RBR should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:RoleBindingRestrictions] RoleBindingRestrictions should be functional Create a rolebinding when there are no restrictions should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:RoleBindingRestrictions] RoleBindingRestrictions should be functional Rolebinding restrictions tests single project should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:SecurityContextConstraints] TestAllowedSCCViaRBAC [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:SecurityContextConstraints] TestPodUpdateSCCEnforcement [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:UserAPI] groups should work [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-auth][Feature:UserAPI] users can manipulate groups [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-autoscaling] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Metrics from Stackdriver) should scale down with Custom Metric of type Object from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling] [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-autoscaling] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Metrics from Stackdriver) should scale down with Custom Metric of type Pod from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling] [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-autoscaling] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Metrics from Stackdriver) should scale down with Custom Metric of type Pod from Stackdriver with Prometheus [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling] [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-autoscaling] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Metrics from Stackdriver) should scale down with External Metric with target average value from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling] [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-autoscaling] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Metrics from Stackdriver) should scale down with External Metric with target value from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling] [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-autoscaling] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Metrics from Stackdriver) should scale up with two External metrics from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling] [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-autoscaling] [HPA] Horizontal pod autoscaling (scale resource: Custom Metrics from Stackdriver) should scale up with two metrics of type Pod from Stackdriver [Feature:CustomMetricsAutoscaling] [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] Multi-stage image builds should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] Optimized image builds should succeed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] build can reference a cluster service with a build being created from new-build should be able to run a build that references a cluster service [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] build have source revision metadata started build should contain source revision information [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] build with empty source started build should build even with an empty source in build config [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] build without output image building from templates should create an image from a S2i template without an output image reference defined [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] build without output image building from templates should create an image from a docker template without an output image reference defined [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] buildconfig secret injector should inject secrets to the appropriate buildconfigs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] custom build with buildah being created from new-build should complete build with custom builder image [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] forcePull should affect pulling builder images ForcePull test case execution custom [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] forcePull should affect pulling builder images ForcePull test case execution docker [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] forcePull should affect pulling builder images ForcePull test case execution s2i [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] imagechangetriggers imagechangetriggers should trigger builds of all types [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] oc new-app should fail with a --name longer than 58 characters [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] oc new-app should succeed with a --name of 58 characters [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] oc new-app should succeed with an imagestream [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] prune builds based on settings in the buildconfig buildconfigs should have a default history limit set when created via the group api [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] prune builds based on settings in the buildconfig should prune builds after a buildConfig change [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] prune builds based on settings in the buildconfig should prune canceled builds based on the failedBuildsHistoryLimit setting [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] prune builds based on settings in the buildconfig should prune completed builds based on the successfulBuildsHistoryLimit setting [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] prune builds based on settings in the buildconfig should prune errored builds based on the failedBuildsHistoryLimit setting [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] prune builds based on settings in the buildconfig should prune failed builds based on the failedBuildsHistoryLimit setting [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] remove all builds when build configuration is removed oc delete buildconfig should start builds and delete the buildconfig [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] result image should have proper labels set Docker build from a template should create a image from \"test-docker-build.json\" template with proper Docker labels [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] result image should have proper labels set S2I build from a template should create a image from \"test-s2i-build.json\" template with proper Docker labels [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] s2i build with a quota Building from a template should create an s2i build with a quota and run it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] s2i build with a root user image should create a root build and fail without a privileged SCC [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds] s2i build with a root user image should create a root build and pass with a privileged SCC [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][pullsecret] docker build using a pull secret Building from a template should create a docker build that pulls using a secret run it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][timing] capture build stages and durations should record build stages and durations for docker [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][timing] capture build stages and durations should record build stages and durations for s2i [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][valueFrom] process valueFrom in build strategy environment variables should fail resolving unresolvable valueFrom in docker build environment variable references [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][valueFrom] process valueFrom in build strategy environment variables should fail resolving unresolvable valueFrom in sti build environment variable references [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][valueFrom] process valueFrom in build strategy environment variables should successfully resolve valueFrom in docker build environment variables [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][valueFrom] process valueFrom in build strategy environment variables should successfully resolve valueFrom in s2i build environment variables [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][webhook] TestWebhook [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][webhook] TestWebhookGitHubPing [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][webhook] TestWebhookGitHubPushWithImage [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-builds][Feature:Builds][webhook] TestWebhookGitHubPushWithImageStream [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] CLI can run inside of a busybox container [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on should support forwarding over websockets [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on that expects NO client request should support a client that connects, sends DATA, and disconnects [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on that expects a client request should support a client that connects, sends DATA, and disconnects [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on that expects a client request should support a client that connects, sends NO DATA, and disconnects [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on localhost should support forwarding over websockets [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on localhost that expects NO client request should support a client that connects, sends DATA, and disconnects [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on localhost that expects a client request should support a client that connects, sends DATA, and disconnects [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl Port forwarding With a server listening on localhost that expects a client request should support a client that connects, sends NO DATA, and disconnects [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl api-versions should check if v1 is in available api versions [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl apply apply set/view last-applied [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl apply should apply a new configuration to an existing RC [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl apply should reuse port when apply to an existing SVC [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl client-side validation should create/apply a CR with unknown fields for CRD with no validation schema [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl client-side validation should create/apply a valid CR for CRD with validation schema [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl client-side validation should create/apply a valid CR with arbitrary-extra properties for CRD with partially-specified validation schema [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl cluster-info dump should check if cluster-info dump succeeds [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl copy should copy a file from a running Pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl create quota should create a quota with scopes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl create quota should create a quota without scopes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl create quota should reject quota with invalid scopes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl describe should check if kubectl describe prints relevant information for cronjob [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl describe should check if kubectl describe prints relevant information for rc and pods [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl expose should create services for rc [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl get componentstatuses should get componentstatuses [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl label should update the label on a resource [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl patch should add annotations for pods in rc [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Kubectl version should check is all data is printed [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Proxy server should support --unix-socket=/path [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Proxy server should support proxy with --port 0 [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Simple pod should return command exit codes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Simple pod should support exec [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Simple pod should support exec through an HTTP proxy [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Simple pod should support exec through kubectl proxy [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Simple pod should support exec using resource/name [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Simple pod should support port-forward [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Update Demo should create and stop a replication controller [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] Kubectl client Update Demo should scale a replication controller [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-cli] oc adm must-gather runs successfully [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm must-gather runs successfully with options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm oc adm node-logs --boot=0 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm oc adm node-logs --role=master --since=-2m [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm oc adm node-logs --since=-2m --until=-1m [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm oc adm node-logs --since= --until=-1m [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm oc adm node-logs --tail=5 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm oc adm node-logs --unit=kubelet --since=-1m [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc adm oc adm node-logs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc explain networking types when using openshift-sdn should contain proper fields description for special networking types [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc explain should contain proper fields description for special types [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc explain should contain proper spec+status for CRDs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc explain should contain spec+status for builtinTypes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cli] oc rsh rsh specific flags should work well when access to a remote shell [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cluster-lifecycle] CSRs from machines that are not recognized by the cloud provider are not approved [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cluster-lifecycle] Pods cannot access the /config/master API endpoint [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-cluster-lifecycle][Feature:Machines] Managed cluster should have machine resources [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:ImageEcosystem][mongodb] openshift mongodb image creating from a template should instantiate the template [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestAutomaticCreationOfPullSecrets [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:OpenShiftControllerManager] TestDockercfgTokenDeletedController [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] template-api TestTemplate [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] template-api TestTemplateTransformationFromConfig [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance creation with invalid object reports error should report a failure on creation [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance cross-namespace test should create and delete objects across namespaces [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance impersonation tests should pass impersonation creation tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance impersonation tests should pass impersonation deletion tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance impersonation tests should pass impersonation update tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance object kinds test should create and delete objects from varying API groups [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance readiness test should report failed soon after an annotated objects has failed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance readiness test should report ready soon after all annotated objects are ready [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateinstance security tests should pass security tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateservicebroker bind test should pass bind tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateservicebroker end-to-end test should pass an end-to-end test [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-devex][Feature:Templates] templateservicebroker security test should pass security tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-etcd] etcd leader changes are not excessive [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageAppend] Image append should create images by appending them [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageExtract] Image extract should extract content from an image [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageInfo] Image info should display information about images [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageLayers] Image layer subresource should identify a deleted image as missing [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageLayers] Image layer subresource should return layers from tagged images [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageLookup] Image policy should perform lookup when the Deployment gets the resolve-names annotation later [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageLookup] Image policy should perform lookup when the object has the resolve-names annotation [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageLookup] Image policy should update standard Kube object image fields when local names are on [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Annotation trigger reconciles after the image is overwritten [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Image change build triggers TestMultipleImageChangeBuildTriggers [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Image change build triggers TestSimpleImageChangeBuildTriggerFromImageStreamTagCustom [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Image change build triggers TestSimpleImageChangeBuildTriggerFromImageStreamTagCustomWithConfigChange [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Image change build triggers TestSimpleImageChangeBuildTriggerFromImageStreamTagDocker [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Image change build triggers TestSimpleImageChangeBuildTriggerFromImageStreamTagDockerWithConfigChange [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Image change build triggers TestSimpleImageChangeBuildTriggerFromImageStreamTagSTI [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:ImageTriggers] Image change build triggers TestSimpleImageChangeBuildTriggerFromImageStreamTagSTIWithConfigChange [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:Image] oc tag should change image reference for internal images [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:Image] oc tag should preserve image reference for external images [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:Image] oc tag should work when only imagestreams api is available [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:Image] signature TestImageAddSignature [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-imageregistry][Feature:Image] signature TestImageRemoveSignature [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] MetricsGrabber should grab all metrics from API server. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-instrumentation] MetricsGrabber should grab all metrics from a ControllerManager. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-instrumentation] MetricsGrabber should grab all metrics from a Kubelet. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-instrumentation] MetricsGrabber should grab all metrics from a Scheduler. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should have a AlertmanagerReceiversNotConfigured alert in firing state [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should have important platform topology metrics [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should have non-Pod host cAdvisor metrics [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should provide ingress metrics [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should report telemetry if a cloud.openshift.com token is present [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should start and expose a secured proxy and unsecured metrics [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster shouldn't have failing rules evaluation [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster shouldn't report any alerts in firing state apart from Watchdog and AlertmanagerReceiversNotConfigured [Early] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation] Prometheus when installed on the cluster when using openshift-sdn should be able to get the sdn ovs flows [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation][Late] Alerts should have a Watchdog alert in firing state the entire cluster run [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation][Late] Alerts shouldn't exceed the 500 series limit of total series sent via telemetry from each cluster [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation][Late] Alerts shouldn't report any alerts in firing state apart from Watchdog and AlertmanagerReceiversNotConfigured [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-instrumentation][sig-builds][Feature:Builds] Prometheus when installed on the cluster should start and expose a secured proxy and verify build metrics [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network-edge][Conformance][Area:Networking][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should pass the gRPC interoperability tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal]" "[sig-network-edge][Conformance][Area:Networking][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should pass the h2spec conformance tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal]" "[sig-network-edge][Conformance][Area:Networking][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should pass the http2 tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal]" "[sig-network] DNS should provide /etc/hosts entries for the cluster [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for ExternalName services [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for pods for Hostname [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for pods for Subdomain [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for services [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for the cluster [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for the cluster [Provider:GCE] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should resolve DNS of partial qualified names for services [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should resolve DNS of partial qualified names for the cluster [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should support configurable pod DNS nameservers [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] DNS should support configurable pod resolv.conf [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] EndpointSlice [Feature:EndpointSlice] version v1 should create Endpoints and EndpointSlices for Pods matching a Service [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] IngressClass [Feature:Ingress] should not set default value if no default IngressClass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Internal connectivity for TCP and UDP on ports 9000-9999 is allowed [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should allow ingress access from updated namespace [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should allow ingress access from updated pod [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should deny ingress access to updated pod [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce multiple ingress policies with ingress allow-all policy taking precedence [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce multiple, stacked policies with overlapping podSelectors [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on NamespaceSelector with MatchExpressions[Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on PodSelector and NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on PodSelector or NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on PodSelector with MatchExpressions[Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on Ports [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy to allow traffic from pods within server namespace based on PodSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy to allow traffic only from a different namespace, based on NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy to allow traffic only from a pod in a different namespace based on PodSelector and NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce updated policy [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should stop enforcing policies after they are deleted [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should support a 'default-deny' policy [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should support allow-all policy [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Pods should function for intra-pod communication: http [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Pods should function for intra-pod communication: udp [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Pods should function for node-pod communication: http [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Pods should function for node-pod communication: udp [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should be able to handle large requests: http [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should be able to handle large requests: udp [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for client IP based session affinity: http [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for client IP based session affinity: udp [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for endpoint-Service: http [Skipped:ovirt] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for endpoint-Service: udp [Skipped:ovirt] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for node-Service: http [Skipped:ovirt] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for node-Service: udp [Skipped:ovirt] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for pod-Service: http [Skipped:ovirt] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for pod-Service: udp [Skipped:ovirt] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should update endpoints: http [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should update endpoints: udp [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Networking should provide Internet connection for containers [Feature:Networking-IPv4] [Skipped:azure] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Proxy version v1 should proxy logs on node using proxy subresource [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Proxy version v1 should proxy logs on node with explicit kubelet port using proxy subresource [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Proxy version v1 should proxy through a service and a pod [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should allow pods to hairpin back to themselves through services [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to change the type from ClusterIP to ExternalName [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to change the type from ExternalName to ClusterIP [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to change the type from ExternalName to NodePort [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to change the type from NodePort to ExternalName [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to create a functioning NodePort service [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to switch session affinity for NodePort service [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to switch session affinity for service with type clusterIP [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to update service type to NodePort listening on same port number but different protocols [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be rejected when no endpoints exist [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should check NodePort out-of-range [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should create endpoints for unready pods [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should find a service from listing all namespaces [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should have session affinity timeout work for NodePort service [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should have session affinity timeout work for service with type clusterIP [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should have session affinity work for NodePort service [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should have session affinity work for service with type clusterIP [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OVNKubernetes] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should preserve source pod IP for traffic thru service cluster IP [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should prevent NodePort collisions [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should provide secure master service [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should release NodePorts on delete [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should serve a basic endpoint from pods [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should serve multiport endpoints from pods [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] multicast when using one of the plugins 'redhat/openshift-ovs-multitenant, redhat/openshift-ovs-networkpolicy' should allow multicast traffic in namespaces where it is enabled [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] multicast when using one of the plugins 'redhat/openshift-ovs-multitenant, redhat/openshift-ovs-networkpolicy' should block multicast traffic in namespaces where it is disabled [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] multicast when using one of the plugins 'redhat/openshift-ovs-subnet' should block multicast traffic [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that does not isolate namespaces by default should allow communication between pods in different namespaces on different nodes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that does not isolate namespaces by default should allow communication between pods in different namespaces on the same node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow communication from default to non-default namespace on a different node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow communication from default to non-default namespace on the same node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow communication from non-default to default namespace on a different node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow communication from non-default to default namespace on the same node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should prevent communication between pods in different namespaces on different nodes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] network isolation when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should prevent communication between pods in different namespaces on the same node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services basic functionality should allow connections to another pod on a different node via a service IP [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services basic functionality should allow connections to another pod on the same node via a service IP [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that does not isolate namespaces by default should allow connections to pods in different namespaces on different nodes via service IPs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that does not isolate namespaces by default should allow connections to pods in different namespaces on the same node via service IPs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow connections from pods in the default namespace to a service in another namespace on a different node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow connections from pods in the default namespace to a service in another namespace on the same node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow connections to services in the default namespace from a pod in another namespace on a different node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should allow connections to services in the default namespace from a pod in another namespace on the same node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should prevent connections to pods in different namespaces on different nodes via service IPs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network] services when using a plugin that isolates namespaces by default should prevent connections to pods in different namespaces on the same node via service IPs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router converges when multiple routers are writing conflicting status [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router converges when multiple routers are writing status [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should enable openshift-monitoring to pull metrics [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should expose a health check on the metrics port [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should expose prometheus metrics for a route [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should expose the profiling endpoints [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should override the route host for overridden domains with a custom value [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should override the route host with a custom value [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should respond with 503 to unrecognized hosts [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should run even if it has no access to update status [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should serve a route that points to two services and respect weights [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should serve routes that were created from an ingress [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should serve the correct routes when running with the haproxy config manager [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should serve the correct routes when scoped to a single namespace and label set [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should set Forwarded headers appropriately [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][Feature:Router] The HAProxy router should support reencrypt to services backed by a serving certificate automatically [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-network][endpoints] admission TestEndpointAdmission [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-node] ConfigMap should be consumable via environment variable [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] ConfigMap should be consumable via the environment [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] ConfigMap should fail to create ConfigMap with empty key [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] ConfigMap should run through a ConfigMap lifecycle [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] ConfigMap should update ConfigMap successfully [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] Downward API should provide container's limits.cpu/memory and requests.cpu/memory as env vars [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] Downward API should provide default limits.cpu/memory from node allocatable [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] Downward API should provide host IP and pod IP as an env var if pod uses host network [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] Downward API should provide host IP as an env var [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] Downward API should provide pod UID as env vars [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-node] Downward API should provide pod name, namespace and IP address as env vars [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-operator] OLM should Implement packages API server and list packagemanifest info with namespace not NULL [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] OLM should be installed with catalogsources at version v1alpha1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] OLM should be installed with clusterserviceversions at version v1alpha1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] OLM should be installed with installplans at version v1alpha1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] OLM should be installed with operatorgroups at version v1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] OLM should be installed with packagemanifests at version v1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] OLM should be installed with subscriptions at version v1alpha1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] OLM should have imagePullPolicy:IfNotPresent on thier deployments [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] an end user use OLM Report Upgradeable in OLM ClusterOperators status [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-operator] an end user use OLM can subscribe to the cockroachdb operator [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel]" "[sig-scheduling] LimitRange should create a LimitRange with defaults and ensure pod has those defaults applied. [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-scheduling] Multi-AZ Cluster Volumes [sig-storage] should only be allowed to provision PDs in zones where nodes exist [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-scheduling] Multi-AZ Cluster Volumes [sig-storage] should schedule pods in the same zones as statically provisioned PVs [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-service-catalog] [Feature:PodPreset] PodPreset should create a pod preset [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-service-catalog] [Feature:PodPreset] PodPreset should not modify the pod on conflict [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Dynamic Snapshot] snapshottable should create snapshot with defaults [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: inline ephemeral CSI volume] ephemeral should create read-only inline ephemeral volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: inline ephemeral CSI volume] ephemeral should create read/write inline ephemeral volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: inline ephemeral CSI volume] ephemeral should support multiple inline ephemeral volumes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI Volumes [Driver: csi-hostpath] [Testpattern: inline ephemeral CSI volume] ephemeral should support two pods which share the same volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI Volume expansion should expand volume by restarting pod if attach=off, nodeExpansion=on [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI Volume expansion should expand volume by restarting pod if attach=on, nodeExpansion=on [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI Volume expansion should expand volume without restarting pod if nodeExpansion=off [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI Volume expansion should not expand volume if resizingOnDriver=off, resizingOnSC=on [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI attach test using mock driver should not require VolumeAttach for drivers without attachment [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI attach test using mock driver should preserve attachment policy when no CSIDriver present [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI attach test using mock driver should require VolumeAttach for drivers with attachment [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI online volume expansion should expand volume without restarting pod if attach=off, nodeExpansion=on [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI online volume expansion should expand volume without restarting pod if attach=on, nodeExpansion=on [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver contain ephemeral=true when using inline volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should be passed when podInfoOnMount=true [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should not be passed when CSIDriver does not exist [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should not be passed when podInfoOnMount=false [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] CSI mock volume CSI workload information using mock driver should not be passed when podInfoOnMount=nil [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap binary data should be reflected in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap optional updates should be reflected in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with FSGroup [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with defaultMode and fsGroup set [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume with defaultMode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings and Item mode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings as non-root [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings as non-root with FSGroup [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap should be consumable in multiple volumes in the same pod [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] ConfigMap updates should be reflected in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide container's cpu limit [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide container's cpu request [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide container's memory limit [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide container's memory request [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide node allocatable (cpu) as default cpu limit if the limit is not set [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide node allocatable (memory) as default memory limit if the limit is not set [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide podname as non-root with fsgroup [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide podname as non-root with fsgroup and defaultMode [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should provide podname only [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should set DefaultMode on files [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should set mode on item file [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should update annotations on modification [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Downward API volume should update labels on modification [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Dynamic Provisioning Invalid AWS KMS key should report an error and create no PV [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Dynamic Provisioning [k8s.io] GlusterDynamicProvisioner should create and delete persistent volumes [fast] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes pod should support shared volumes between containers [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0644,default) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0644,tmpfs) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0666,default) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0666,tmpfs) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0777,default) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (non-root,0777,tmpfs) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0644,default) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0644,tmpfs) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0666,default) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0666,tmpfs) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0777,default) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes should support (root,0777,tmpfs) [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes volume on default medium should have the correct mode [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes volume on tmpfs should have the correct mode [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] files with FSGroup ownership should support (root,0644,tmpfs) [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] new files should be created with FSGroup ownership when container is non-root [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] new files should be created with FSGroup ownership when container is root [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] nonexistent volume subPath should have the correct mode and owner using FSGroup [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] volume on default medium should have the correct mode using FSGroup [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir volumes when FSGroup is specified [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] volume on tmpfs should have the correct mode using FSGroup [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] EmptyDir wrapper volumes should not conflict [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Ephemeralstorage When pod refers to non-existent ephemeral storage should allow deletion of pod with invalid volume : configmap [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Ephemeralstorage When pod refers to non-existent ephemeral storage should allow deletion of pod with invalid volume : projected [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Ephemeralstorage When pod refers to non-existent ephemeral storage should allow deletion of pod with invalid volume : secret [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Flexvolumes should be mountable when attachable [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Flexvolumes should be mountable when non-attachable [Skipped:gce] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] GCP Volumes GlusterFS should be mountable [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] GCP Volumes NFSv3 should be mountable for NFSv3 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] GCP Volumes NFSv4 should be mountable for NFSv4 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] HostPath should give a volume the correct mode [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] HostPath should support r/w [NodeConformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] HostPath should support subPath [NodeConformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: aws] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: azure-disk] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: cinder] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: emptydir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gcepd] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: gluster] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Skipped:ibmcloud] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPathSymlink] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: hostPath] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: block] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: blockfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link-bindmounted] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir-link] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: dir] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: local][LocalVolumeType: tmpfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: nfs] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand Verify if offline PVC expansion works [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)(allowExpansion)] volume-expand should resize volume when PVC is edited while pod is using it [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volume-expand should not allow expansion of pvcs without AllowVolumeExpansion property [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (delayed binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should fail to schedule a pod which has topologies that conflict with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (immediate binding)] topology should provision a volume and schedule a pod with AllowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with mount options [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with pvc data source [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] provisioning should provision storage with snapshot data source [Feature:VolumeSnapshotDataSource] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Dynamic PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Inline-volume (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (block volmode)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should be able to unmount after the subpath directory is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directories when readOnly specified in the volumeSource [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing directory [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support existing single file [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support file as subpath [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support non-existent path [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly directory specified in the volumeMount [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] subPath should support readOnly file specified in the volumeMount [LinuxOnly] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (default fs)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext3)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ext4)] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (filesystem volmode)] volumeMode should not mount / map unused volumes in a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should allow exec of files on the volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] In-tree Volumes [Driver: vsphere] [Testpattern: Pre-provisioned PV (ntfs)][sig-windows] volumes should store data [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Mounted volume expand Should verify mounted devices can be resized [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PV Protection Verify \"immediate\" deletion of a PV that is not bound to a PVC [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PV Protection Verify that PV bound to a PVC is not removed immediately [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PVC Protection Verify \"immediate\" deletion of a PVC that is not in active use by a pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PVC Protection Verify that PVC in active use by a pod is not removed immediately [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PVC Protection Verify that scheduling of a pod that uses PVC that is being deleted fails and the pod becomes Unschedulable [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes GCEPD should test that deleting a PVC before the pod does not cause pod deletion to fail on PD detach [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes GCEPD should test that deleting the PV before the pod does not cause pod deletion to fail on PD detach [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes NFS when invoking the Recycle reclaim policy should test that a PV becomes Available and is clean after the PVC is deleted. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes NFS with Single PV - PVC pairs create a PV and a pre-bound PVC: test write access [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes NFS with Single PV - PVC pairs create a PVC and a pre-bound PV: test write access [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes NFS with Single PV - PVC pairs create a PVC and non-pre-bound PV: test write access [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes NFS with Single PV - PVC pairs should create a non-pre-bound PV and PVC: test write access [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes NFS with multiple PVs and PVCs all in same ns should create 2 PVs and 4 PVCs: test write access [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes NFS with multiple PVs and PVCs all in same ns should create 3 PVs and 3 PVCs: test write access [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes [Feature:vsphere][Feature:LabelSelector] [sig-storage] Selector-Label Volume Binding:vsphere [Feature:vsphere] should bind volume with claim for given label [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes [Feature:vsphere][Feature:ReclaimPolicy] [sig-storage] persistentvolumereclaim:vsphere [Feature:vsphere] should delete persistent volume when reclaimPolicy set to delete and associated claim is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes [Feature:vsphere][Feature:ReclaimPolicy] [sig-storage] persistentvolumereclaim:vsphere [Feature:vsphere] should not detach and unmount PV when associated pvc with delete as reclaimPolicy is deleted when it is in use by the pod [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes [Feature:vsphere][Feature:ReclaimPolicy] [sig-storage] persistentvolumereclaim:vsphere [Feature:vsphere] should retain persistent volume when reclaimPolicy set to retain when associated claim is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local Pod with node different from PV's NodeAffinity should fail scheduling due to different NodeAffinity [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local Pod with node different from PV's NodeAffinity should fail scheduling due to different NodeSelector [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: block] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: block] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: block] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: block] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: block] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithformat] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithformat] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithformat] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithformat] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithformat] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithoutformat] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithoutformat] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithoutformat] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithoutformat] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: blockfswithoutformat] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-bindmounted] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-bindmounted] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-bindmounted] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-bindmounted] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-bindmounted] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link-bindmounted] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link-bindmounted] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link-bindmounted] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link-bindmounted] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link-bindmounted] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir-link] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: dir] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: tmpfs] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and read from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: tmpfs] One pod requesting one prebound PVC should be able to mount volume and write from pod1 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: tmpfs] Set fsGroup for local volume should set different fsGroup for second pod if first pod is deleted [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: tmpfs] Two pods mounting a local volume at the same time should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes-local [Volume type: tmpfs] Two pods mounting a local volume one after the other should be able to write from pod1 and read from pod2 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes:vsphere [Feature:vsphere] should test that deleting a PVC before the pod does not cause pod deletion to fail on vsphere volume detach [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes:vsphere [Feature:vsphere] should test that deleting the Namespace of a PVC and Pod causes the successful detach of vsphere volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] PersistentVolumes:vsphere [Feature:vsphere] should test that deleting the PV before the pod does not cause pod deletion to fail on vspehre volume detach [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Pod Disks should be able to delete a non-existent PD without error [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected combined should project all components that make up the projection API [Projection][NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap optional updates should be reflected in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with FSGroup [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with defaultMode and fsGroup set [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume with defaultMode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings and Item mode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings as non-root [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings as non-root with FSGroup [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap should be consumable in multiple volumes in the same pod [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected configMap updates should be reflected in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide container's cpu limit [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide container's cpu request [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide container's memory limit [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide container's memory request [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide node allocatable (cpu) as default cpu limit if the limit is not set [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide node allocatable (memory) as default memory limit if the limit is not set [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide podname as non-root with fsgroup [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide podname as non-root with fsgroup and defaultMode [LinuxOnly] [NodeFeature:FSGroup] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should provide podname only [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should set DefaultMode on files [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should set mode on item file [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should update annotations on modification [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected downwardAPI should update labels on modification [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret optional updates should be reflected in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret should be able to mount in a volume regardless of a different secret existing with same name in different namespace [NodeConformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret should be consumable from pods in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with defaultMode and fsGroup set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret should be consumable from pods in volume with defaultMode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings and Item Mode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Projected secret should be consumable in multiple volumes in a pod [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets optional updates should be reflected in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets should be able to mount in a volume regardless of a different secret existing with same name in different namespace [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets should be consumable from pods in volume [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets should be consumable from pods in volume as non-root with defaultMode and fsGroup set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets should be consumable from pods in volume with defaultMode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets should be consumable from pods in volume with mappings and Item Mode set [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Secrets should be consumable in multiple volumes in a pod [NodeConformance] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with invalid capability name objectSpaceReserve is not honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with invalid diskStripes value is not honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with invalid hostFailuresToTolerate value is not honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with non-vsan datastore is not honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with valid diskStripes and objectSpaceReservation values and a VSAN datastore is honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with valid diskStripes and objectSpaceReservation values is honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with valid hostFailuresToTolerate and cacheReservation values is honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify VSAN storage capability with valid objectSpaceReservation and iopsLimit values is honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify an existing and compatible SPBM policy is honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify an if a SPBM policy and VSAN capabilities cannot be honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify clean up of stale dummy VM for dynamically provisioned pvc using SPBM policy [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify if a SPBM policy is not honored on a non-compatible datastore for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Storage Policy Based Volume Provisioning [Feature:vsphere] verify if a non-existing SPBM policy is not honored for dynamically provisioned pvc using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Subpath Atomic writer volumes should support subpaths with configmap pod [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Subpath Atomic writer volumes should support subpaths with configmap pod with mountPath of existing file [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Subpath Atomic writer volumes should support subpaths with downward pod [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Subpath Atomic writer volumes should support subpaths with projected pod [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Subpath Atomic writer volumes should support subpaths with secret pod [LinuxOnly] [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Disk Format [Feature:vsphere] verify disk format type - eagerzeroedthick is honored for dynamically provisioned pv using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Disk Format [Feature:vsphere] verify disk format type - thin is honored for dynamically provisioned pv using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Disk Format [Feature:vsphere] verify disk format type - zeroedthick is honored for dynamically provisioned pv using storageclass [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Disk Size [Feature:vsphere] verify dynamically provisioned pv has size rounded up correctly [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume FStype [Feature:vsphere] verify fstype - default value should be ext4 [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume FStype [Feature:vsphere] verify fstype - ext3 formatted volume [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume FStype [Feature:vsphere] verify invalid fstype [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Operations Storm [Feature:vsphere] should create pod with many volumes and verify no attach call fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Placement [Feature:vsphere] should create and delete pod with multiple volumes from different datastore [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Placement [Feature:vsphere] should create and delete pod with multiple volumes from same datastore [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Placement [Feature:vsphere] should create and delete pod with the same volume source attach/detach to different worker nodes [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Placement [Feature:vsphere] should create and delete pod with the same volume source on the same worker node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Placement [Feature:vsphere] test back to back pod creation and deletion with different volume sources on the same worker node [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Provisioning On Clustered Datastore [Feature:vsphere] verify dynamic provision with default parameter on clustered datastore [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Provisioning On Clustered Datastore [Feature:vsphere] verify dynamic provision with spbm policy on clustered datastore [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Provisioning On Clustered Datastore [Feature:vsphere] verify static provisioning on clustered datastore [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume Provisioning on Datastore [Feature:vsphere] verify dynamically provisioned pv using storageclass fails on an invalid datastore [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volume limits should verify that all nodes have volume limits [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Volumes ConfigMap should be mountable [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation fails if no zones are specified in the storage class (No shared datastores exist among all the nodes) [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation fails if only datastore is specified in the storage class (No shared datastores exist among all the nodes) [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation fails if only storage policy is specified in the storage class (No shared datastores exist among all the nodes) [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation fails if the availability zone specified in the storage class have no shared datastores under it. [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation with an invalid VSAN capability along with a compatible zone combination specified in storage class fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation with compatible policy and datastore without any zones specified in the storage class fails (No shared datastores exist among all the nodes) [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation with incompatible datastore and zone combination specified in storage class fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation with incompatible storage policy along with compatible zone and datastore combination specified in storage class fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation with incompatible storagePolicy and zone combination specified in storage class fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation with incompatible zone along with compatible storagePolicy and datastore combination specified in storage class fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify PVC creation with invalid zone specified in storage class fails [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a PVC creation fails when multiple zones are specified in the storage class without shared datastores among the zones in waitForFirstConsumer binding mode [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod fails to get scheduled when conflicting volume topology (allowedTopologies) and pod scheduling constraints(nodeSelector) are specified [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV with storage policy specified in storage class in waitForFirstConsumer binding mode [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV with storage policy specified in storage class in waitForFirstConsumer binding mode with allowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV with storage policy specified in storage class in waitForFirstConsumer binding mode with multiple allowedTopologies [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on a VSAN capability, datastore and compatible zone specified in storage class [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on allowed zones specified in storage class [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on multiple zones specified in storage class [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on multiple zones specified in the storage class. (No shared datastores exist among both zones) [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on the allowed zones and datastore specified in storage class [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on the allowed zones and datastore specified in storage class when there are multiple datastores with the same name under different zones across datacenters [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on the allowed zones and storage policy specified in storage class [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on the allowed zones specified in storage class when the datastore under the zone is present in another datacenter [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on the allowed zones, datastore and storage policy specified in storage class [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify a pod is created on a non-Workspace zone and attached to a dynamically created PV, based on the allowed zones and storage policy specified in storage class [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify dynamically created pv with allowed zones specified in storage class, shows the right zone information on its labels [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] Zone Support [Feature:vsphere] Verify dynamically created pv with multiple zones specified in the storage class, shows both the zones on its labels [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] vcp at scale [Feature:vsphere] vsphere scale tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] vcp-performance [Feature:vsphere] vcp performance tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] vsphere cloud provider stress [Feature:vsphere] vsphere stress tests [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-storage] vsphere statefulset [Feature:vsphere] vsphere statefulset testing [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]" "[sig-network] Services should be able to change the type from ClusterIP to ExternalName [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" started: (0/1/1) "[sig-network] Services should be able to change the type from ClusterIP to ExternalName [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" I0615 14:30:11.315219 651691 test_context.go:423] Tolerating taints "node-role.kubernetes.io/master" when considering if nodes are ready Jun 15 14:30:11.343: INFO: Waiting up to 30m0s for all (but 100) nodes to be schedulable Jun 15 14:30:12.464: INFO: Waiting up to 10m0s for all pods (need at least 0) in namespace 'kube-system' to be running and ready Jun 15 14:30:12.967: INFO: 0 / 0 pods in namespace 'kube-system' are running and ready (0 seconds elapsed) Jun 15 14:30:12.967: INFO: expected 0 pod replicas in namespace 'kube-system', 0 are Running and Ready. Jun 15 14:30:12.967: INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for all daemonsets in namespace 'kube-system' to start Jun 15 14:30:13.182: INFO: e2e test version: v1.18.3 Jun 15 14:30:13.378: INFO: kube-apiserver version: v1.18.3+a637491 Jun 15 14:30:13.583: INFO: Cluster IP family: ipv4 [BeforeEach] [Top Level] /home/fidencio/src/upstream/origin/_output/local/go/src/github.com/openshift/origin/test/extended/util/framework.go:1413 [BeforeEach] [Top Level] /home/fidencio/src/upstream/origin/_output/local/go/src/github.com/openshift/origin/test/extended/util/framework.go:1413 [BeforeEach] [Top Level] /home/fidencio/src/upstream/origin/_output/local/go/src/github.com/openshift/origin/test/extended/util/test.go:58 [BeforeEach] [sig-network] Services /home/fidencio/src/upstream/origin/_output/local/go/src/github.com/openshift/origin/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework/framework.go:178 STEP: Creating a kubernetes client STEP: Building a namespace api object, basename services Jun 15 14:30:14.199: INFO: About to run a Kube e2e test, ensuring namespace is privileged Jun 15 14:30:16.730: INFO: No PodSecurityPolicies found; assuming PodSecurityPolicy is disabled. STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace [BeforeEach] [sig-network] Services /home/fidencio/src/upstream/origin/_output/local/go/src/github.com/openshift/origin/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/network/service.go:698 [It] should be able to change the type from ClusterIP to ExternalName [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s] /home/fidencio/src/upstream/origin/_output/local/go/src/github.com/openshift/origin/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework/framework.go:703 STEP: creating a service clusterip-service with the type=ClusterIP in namespace e2e-services-3273 STEP: Creating active service to test reachability when its FQDN is referred as externalName for another service STEP: creating service externalsvc in namespace e2e-services-3273 STEP: creating replication controller externalsvc in namespace e2e-services-3273 I0615 14:30:17.392870 651691 runners.go:190] Created replication controller with name: externalsvc, namespace: e2e-services-3273, replica count: 2 I0615 14:30:20.593402 651691 runners.go:190] externalsvc Pods: 2 out of 2 created, 1 running, 1 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 terminating, 0 unknown, 0 runningButNotReady I0615 14:30:23.593588 651691 runners.go:190] externalsvc Pods: 2 out of 2 created, 2 running, 0 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 terminating, 0 unknown, 0 runningButNotReady STEP: changing the ClusterIP service to type=ExternalName Jun 15 14:30:24.090: INFO: Creating new exec pod Jun 15 14:30:28.581: INFO: Running '/home/fidencio/.local/bin/kubectl --server=https://api.kata-fidencio-0.qe.lab.redhat.com:6443 --kubeconfig=/home/fidencio/openshift/kata/clusterconfigs/auth/kubeconfig exec --namespace=e2e-services-3273 execpod6bvqq -- /bin/sh -x -c nslookup clusterip-service' Jun 15 14:30:36.825: INFO: stderr: "+ nslookup clusterip-service\n" Jun 15 14:30:36.825: INFO: stdout: "Server:\t\t172.30.0.10\nAddress:\t172.30.0.10#53\n\nclusterip-service.e2e-services-3273.svc.cluster.local\tcanonical name = externalsvc.e2e-services-3273.svc.cluster.local.\nName:\texternalsvc.e2e-services-3273.svc.cluster.local\nAddress:\n\n" STEP: deleting ReplicationController externalsvc in namespace e2e-services-3273, will wait for the garbage collector to delete the pods Jun 15 14:30:37.363: INFO: Deleting ReplicationController externalsvc took: 167.351529ms Jun 15 14:30:37.763: INFO: Terminating ReplicationController externalsvc pods took: 400.098793ms Jun 15 14:30:49.346: INFO: Cleaning up the ClusterIP to ExternalName test service [AfterEach] [sig-network] Services /home/fidencio/src/upstream/origin/_output/local/go/src/github.com/openshift/origin/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework/framework.go:179 Jun 15 14:30:49.516: INFO: Waiting up to 7m0s for all (but 100) nodes to be ready STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-services-3273" for this suite. [AfterEach] [sig-network] Services /home/fidencio/src/upstream/origin/_output/local/go/src/github.com/openshift/origin/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/network/service.go:702 Jun 15 14:30:50.346: INFO: Running AfterSuite actions on all nodes Jun 15 14:30:50.346: INFO: Running AfterSuite actions on node 1 passed: (39.2s) 2020-06-15T12:30:50 "[sig-network] Services should be able to change the type from ClusterIP to ExternalName [Conformance] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel/minimal] [Suite:k8s]" Timeline: Jun 15 12:30:17.435 I ns/e2e-services-3273 replicationcontroller/externalsvc reason/SuccessfulCreate Created pod: externalsvc-rc56x Jun 15 12:30:17.440 I ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/externalsvc-rc56x node/ reason/Created Jun 15 12:30:17.507 I ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/externalsvc-rc56x node/worker-0-0 reason/Scheduled Jun 15 12:30:17.589 I ns/e2e-services-3273 replicationcontroller/externalsvc reason/SuccessfulCreate Created pod: externalsvc-c4rzn Jun 15 12:30:17.590 I ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/externalsvc-c4rzn node/ reason/Created Jun 15 12:30:17.591 I ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/externalsvc-c4rzn node/master-0-1 reason/Scheduled Jun 15 12:30:19.523 I ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/externalsvc-c4rzn reason/AddedInterface Add eth0 [] Jun 15 12:30:19.612 I ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/externalsvc-c4rzn node/master-0-1 container/externalsvc reason/Pulled image/us.gcr.io/k8s-artifacts-prod/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.12 Jun 15 12:30:19.831 I ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/externalsvc-c4rzn node/master-0-1 container/externalsvc reason/Created Jun 15 12:30:19.831 I ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/externalsvc-rc56x reason/AddedInterface Add eth0 [] Jun 15 12:30:19.832 I ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/externalsvc-c4rzn node/master-0-1 container/externalsvc reason/Started Jun 15 12:30:19.924 I ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/externalsvc-rc56x node/worker-0-0 container/externalsvc reason/Pulled image/us.gcr.io/k8s-artifacts-prod/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.12 Jun 15 12:30:20.022 I ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/externalsvc-c4rzn node/master-0-1 container/externalsvc reason/Ready Jun 15 12:30:20.095 I ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/externalsvc-rc56x node/worker-0-0 container/externalsvc reason/Created Jun 15 12:30:20.127 I ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/externalsvc-rc56x node/worker-0-0 container/externalsvc reason/Started Jun 15 12:30:20.648 I ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/externalsvc-rc56x node/worker-0-0 container/externalsvc reason/Ready Jun 15 12:30:24.261 I ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/execpod6bvqq node/ reason/Created Jun 15 12:30:24.270 I ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/execpod6bvqq node/worker-0-0 reason/Scheduled Jun 15 12:30:26.189 - 15s W ns/default pod/recycler-for-nfs-pv10 node/worker-0-0 pod has been pending longer than a minute Jun 15 12:30:26.725 I ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/execpod6bvqq reason/AddedInterface Add eth0 [] Jun 15 12:30:26.855 I ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/execpod6bvqq node/worker-0-0 container/agnhost-pause reason/Pulled image/us.gcr.io/k8s-artifacts-prod/e2e-test-images/agnhost:2.12 Jun 15 12:30:27.025 I ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/execpod6bvqq node/worker-0-0 container/agnhost-pause reason/Created Jun 15 12:30:27.046 I ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/execpod6bvqq node/worker-0-0 container/agnhost-pause reason/Started Jun 15 12:30:27.661 I ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/execpod6bvqq node/worker-0-0 container/agnhost-pause reason/Ready Jun 15 12:30:37.677 W ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/externalsvc-c4rzn node/master-0-1 reason/GracefulDelete in 1s Jun 15 12:30:37.834 W ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/externalsvc-rc56x node/worker-0-0 reason/GracefulDelete in 1s Jun 15 12:30:37.834 I ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/externalsvc-rc56x node/worker-0-0 container/externalsvc reason/Killing Jun 15 12:30:37.834 I ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/externalsvc-c4rzn node/master-0-1 container/externalsvc reason/Killing Jun 15 12:30:40.722 E ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/externalsvc-rc56x node/worker-0-0 container/externalsvc container exited with code 137 (Error): Jun 15 12:30:41.101 W ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/externalsvc-c4rzn node/master-0-1 invariant violation (bug): pod should not transition Running->Pending even when terminated Jun 15 12:30:41.101 W ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/externalsvc-c4rzn node/master-0-1 container/externalsvc reason/NotReady Jun 15 12:30:41.709 W ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/externalsvc-rc56x node/worker-0-0 reason/Deleted Jun 15 12:30:49.235 W ns/e2e-services-3273 pod/externalsvc-c4rzn node/master-0-1 reason/Deleted 1 pass, 0 skip (39.2s)